The Department of Chemistry – BMC conducts research and education in analytical chemistry, biochemistry and organic chemistry. More than 100 people, including around 45 PhD students, work at the department. New employees and students are recruited from all over the world and English is the main working language. The department is located at the Biomedical Centre in Uppsala, which facilitates collaborations with research groups in biology, pharmacy, medicine and SciLifeLab and gives access to advanced infrastructure for experimental and theoretical studies. The international environment and good opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations enables PhD students at the department to participate in relevant research projects and prepare for an international research career.
Read more about the research at The Department of Chemistry – BMC at our website.
Project description
We are looking for a PhD student in analytical chemistry to develop analytical methods for single cell analysis using direct infusion mass spectrometry. The PhD candidate will work with and develop custom made techniques coupled to high resolving mass spectrometry for molecular characterization, using tandem mass spectrometry and reactive chemistry, quantification, and data analysis, including statistics. Variations of liquid extraction-based techniques, such as nano-DESI, and electrospray ionization will be developed and utilized for single cell metabolomics and lipidomics.
As a PhD candidate you will be involved in all the steps of the project and collaborate interdisciplinary with researcher groups in IT, chemistry, medicine and biology. You will be working at the forefront of the research field and advance it through experimental work, molecular annotation strategies and data analysis. You will work with state-of-the art instrumentation and have the opportunity to contribute with creative and innovative technical solutions to detect metabolites and lipids from individual cells with mass spectrometry.
Tasks may include:
- Independent planning and performance of experimental work
- Problem solving and technique development
- Scientific collaboration within and outside the group
- Communication and publication of the results
The position is within the research group of Prof. Ingela Lanekoff (https://www.uu.se/en/department/chemistry-bmc/research/analytical-chemistry/lanekoff-group) that strives to develop and establish new innovative method within the research field of analytical chemistry. The research is focused on mass spectrometry and development of new techniques for mass spectrometry imaging and single cell mass spectrometry to reveal chemical processes of importance to biological function and dysfunction. The research group has recently received major and prestigious grants that provide longer-term resources and opportunities for high impact publications. More information can be found on google scholar.
The main duties of PhD students are to devote themselves to their research studies, which includes participating in research projects and third cycle courses. The work duties can also include teaching and other departmental duties (not more than 20 % of full time).
- To be eligible for doctoral education, a basic higher education equivalent to at least 240 ECTS credits, including at least 60 ECTS credits at Master’s level, including an independent project equivalent to at least 15 credits, or has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way, more information about the general requirements can be found here.
- Special eligibility to doctoral studies in Analytical Chemistry requires that the doctoral student has passed courses in chemistry, or courses in areas relevant to analytical chemistry, of at least 90 credits or that he/she has acquired equivalent knowledge abroad. More information about the subject specific requirements can be found here.
- Very good English proficiency in speech and writing.
Great emphasis will be placed on personal qualities such as good collaborative skills, motivation and independence, as well as how the applicant through his/her experience and competence is judged to have the abilities necessary to develop within and acquire the doctoral education.
Additional qualifications
We are looking for a driven and communicative person, who shows the ability to perform research work independently and work effectively in a team. Primarily, we are looking for a candidate with a master’s degree in chemistry that is focused on analytical chemistry. Experience in mass spectrometry and analysis of metabolites and lipids are meriting.
Doctoral students are normally engaged for some teaching at undergraduate and graduate level. Previous experience from teaching/mentoring, even from environments outside the school/university, as well as other outreach activities may therefore be meritorious.
Rules governing PhD students are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5, §§ 1-7 and in Uppsala University’s rules and guidelines.
About the employment
The employment is atemporary position according to the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 § 7. Scope of employment 100 %.Starting date or as agreed. Placement: Uppsala
For further information about the position, please contact: (Ingela Lanekoff, 018 471 36 93, ingela.lanekoff@kemi.uu.se.
Please submit your application by 7 april 2025, UFV-PA 2025/634.
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