
PhD Research Fellow in high-resolution sedimentary dynamics of rifts during rapid climate change


There is a vacancy for a PhD Research Fellows in high-resolution sedimentary dynamics of rifts during rapid climate change at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bergen. The position is for a fixed-term period of 3 years with the possibility of a 4 th year with compulsory other work (e.g. teaching duties at the Department). The EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network for Climate-Tectonics Interactions (INITIATE, https://www.initiate-dn.eu/) comprises thirteen PhD projects. INITIATE focuses on training early-career researchers to understand how climate and tectonics interact across various spatial and temporal scales. The goal is to develop solutions for georesources (natural gas, geothermal, water), sub-surface storage (hydrogen, carbon, and nuclear waste), and geohazards (landslides, debris flows, and active faulting). The program collaborates with 9 European Institutes, Academic partners, and 7 Companies actively involved in sustainable georesources, geohazards, and the environment. Additionally, entrepreneurial skills are integrated into the training program to prepare doctoral candidates for careers in industry or academia. Each doctoral candidate is linked to a second academic partner to complement and broaden their scientific training and to a dedicated industry partner to acquire industry-relevant skills.

As part of the INITIATE Doctoral Network, the successful applicant will take part in regular workshops and summer schools (e.g., Bergen, Potsdam, Spain, Greece, Argentina) organized by the European network partners.

About the project/work tasks:

This PhD project aims to investigate the stratigraphic signature of rift basins with respect to the role of short-term (<100 kyr) climate change on syn-rift depositionalsystems orthe coupling between climate-driven changes in surface processes (erosion/sediment supply) and rift deformation. The initial objective is to analyse the sedimentology and stratigraphy of an active rift where it is possible to constrain tectonic and climatic controls at high resolution, and where the sediment source areas are still preserved, such as the Corinth Rift, Greece. The PhD candidate will then simulate the stratigraphic architecture of syn-rift depositional systems using tectonic, climatic and sediment supply parameters derived from the Corinth Rift (Years 1 and 2). This will allow investigation of the roles of high frequency climate change and tectonicsin controlling depositionalsystem and theirstratigraphic evolution of the Corinth Rift, and investigation of feedback between surface processes and tectonics. This approach will then be applied to other well documented rift systems, such as the Gulf of California, or the Suez Rift, Egypt (Year 2 and 3).

The bulk of the work will be carried out at UiB Bergen, with collaborative work at Univ. of Toulouse (France) and at AkerBP (Norway).

Qualifications and personal qualities:

  • Applicant must hold a master’s degree or equivalent education in Geology or must have submitted his/her master’s thesis for assessment prior to the application deadline. It is a condition of employment that the master’s degree has been awarded. 
  • Experience of process sedimentology is required, preferably deep-water depositional systems.
  • Experience of basin analysis and integrating sedimentary and structural data is required, preferably in rift basins. 
  • Training in either numerical model use or in a quantitative approach to geological data handling is a requirement. 
  • Documented basic programming skills in for instance Python, MATLAB ,or another programming language is required. 
  • Experience of working with sediment cores and multi-proxy studies would be an advantage. 
  • Experience with modelling of depositional systems is an advantage. 
  • Applicants must be able to work independently and in a structured manner and demonstrate good collaborative skills. 
  • Applicants must be proficient in both written and oral English.

PhD candidates can be of any nationality, and have to meet these eligibility criteria:

  • Applicants must be doctoral candidates, i.e. not already in possession of a doctoral degree at the date of recruitment. 
  • Mobility rule: researchers must not have carried out their main activity (e.g. work, studies) in the host country for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before their recruitment date.Personal and relational qualities will be emphasized. Ambitions and potential will also count when evaluating the candidates.

Special requirements for the position 

The University of Bergen is subjected to the regulation for export control system. The regulation will be applied in the processing of the applications.

About the PhD position (applies to university PhD positions):

About the PhD Research Fellows 

The fellowship will be for a period of 3 years, with the possibility for a 4th year, consisting of 25 % compulsory work (e.g. teaching responsibilities at the department) distributed over the employment period. The 4th year is contingent on the qualifications of the candidate and the teaching needs of the department and will be decided by the head of department upon appointment. The employment period may be reduced if you have previously been employed in a qualifying post (e.g. research fellow, research assistant).

About the research training 

As a PhD Research Fellow, you must participate in an approved educational programme for a PhD degree within a period of 3 years. The deadline for applying for admission to the PhD programme at The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is 2 months after you start your position or after the start of the research project that will lead to the PhD degree. It is a condition that you satisfy the enrolment requirements for the PhD programme at the University of Bergen.

We can offer:

  • A good and professionally stimulating working environment 
  • Salary as PhD research fellow (code 1017) in the state salary scale. This constitutes a gross annual salary of NOK 540 500 (equivalent to pay grade 55). Further increases in salary are made according to length of service in the position.
  • Enrolment in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund
  • Good welfare benefits

Your application must include:

  • A cover letter containing a brief account of the applicant’s research interests and motivation for applying for the position (use template on INITIATE webpage). 
  • Mobility declaration, where you confirm that you satisfy the mobility requirements, cf. Mobility rule above (including documentation of country of residence last 3 years, e.g., work contract, rental contract, tax slips (use template on INITIATE webpage). 
  • The names and contact information for two referees. One of these should be the main advisor for the master’s thesis or equivalent thesis (use template on INITIATE webpage).  
  • CV (use template on INITIATE webpage). 
  • Transcripts and diplomas showing completion of the bachelor’s and master’s degrees. If you have not yet completed your master’s degree, please submit a statement from your institution confirming the expected date of award of your master’s degree. Your master’s degree must be documented with transcripts and/or diploma, alternatively a confirmation from your institution on completed degree and your grade, by the application deadline (15th August 2024). 
  • Relevant certificates/references. 
  • Approved documentation of proficiency in English (if required, cf. English language requirements for PhD admission
  • Your Master’s thesis. 
  • A list of any works of a scientific nature/publication list (do not include entire scientific paper/book chapters etc.). 
  • Any publications in your name

The application and appendices with certified translations into English must be uploaded at Jobbnorge.

General information:

For further details about the position, please contact Prof. Rob Gawthorpe, Rob.Gawthorpe@uib.no or Prof. Ritske Huismans, Ritske.Huismans@uib.no, Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen.

For HR related questions contact HR-advisor Chris-André Karlsen Østevold, e-mail: Chris-andre.karlsen@uib.no.

The state labour force shall reflect the diversity of Norwegian society to the greatest extent possible. Age and gender balance among employees is therefore a goal. It is also a goal to recruit people with immigrant backgrounds. People with immigrant backgrounds and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply for the position.

The University of Bergen applies the principle of public access to information when recruiting staff for academic positions.

Information about applicants may be made public even if the applicant has asked not to be named on the list of persons who have applied. The applicant must be notified if the request to be omitted is not met.

The successful applicant must comply with the guidelines that apply to the position at all times.

For further information about the recruitment process, click here.


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北欧, 挪威 所在地点
带薪岗位制 项目类别
截止日期 2024-10-15




电话: +47 55 58 00 00

