
PhD Research Fellow in Applied and Computational Mathematics


There is a vacancy for a PhD Research Fellow in applied and computational mathematics at the Department of Mathematics. The position is for a fixed-term period of 3 years with the possibility of a 4th year with career-promoting work (e.g. teaching duties at the Department). The position is part of the Norwegian Research Council funded center for environmentally friendly energy research gigaCCS

About the project/work tasks:

The successful candidate will contribute to developing modeling and simulation capabilities for giga-scale CO2 storage. Concretely, this PhD project will look at the theoretical foundation and associated numerical and computational methods for large scale poroelastic response on the basin scale – thus covering multiple CO2 storage locations. This may involve mathematical topics such as upscaling, homogenization and numerical analysis. It may also involve design and implementation of numerical methods in the context of state-of-the-art open-source software for scientific computing. The methods derived will be tested at setups relevant for storage formations in the North Sea.

About the gigaCCS and the Department of Mathematics at UiB 

gigaCCS is a Norwegian research center dedicated to large-scale carbon capture and subsurface storage. It is led by SINTEF Energy Research and includes almost 40 partners from industry to research institutes and academia. gigaCCS is being officially launched on March 11, and will last for 8 years. The successful candidate will contribute to research activities in the gigaCCS center, and in particular its Work Package 3.1 – “Regional storage scale-up”. 

This PhD position is hosted by the Porous Media Group in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Bergen. The porous media group consists of five permanent faculty, three permanent researchers, and typically has about 10 PhD students. The group’s primary area of research relates to numerical and computational methods for processes associated with porous materials, with a particular emphasis on geological applications. 

Qualifications and personal qualities:

  • Applicants must hold a master’s degree or equivalent education in applied and computational mathematics, scientific computing, computational physics or computational geoscience. Master students can apply provided they complete their final master exam before 30.03.2025. It is a condition of employment that the master’s degree has been awarded.
  • Strong expertise in applied and computational mathematics and related software development is a requirement.
  • Experience with partial differential equations and related discretization methods is an advantage.
  • Experience with the mathematics of flow in porous media is an advantage.
  • Experience with the mathematics of solid or rock mechanics is an advantage.
  • Applicants must be able to work independently and in a structured manner and demonstrate good collaborative skills.
  • Applicants must be proficient in both written and oral English.

Personal and relational qualities will be emphasized. Research experience, ambitions and potential will also count when evaluating the candidates.

Special requirements for the position 

The University of Bergen is subjected to the regulation for export control system. The regulation will be applied in the processing of the applications. 

About the PhD Research Fellow position

The fellowship will be for a period of 3 years, with the possibility for a 4th year, consisting of 25 % career-promoting work (e.g. teaching responsibilities at the department) distributed over the employment period. The 4th year is contingent on the qualifications of the candidate and the teaching needs of the department and will be decided by the head of department upon appointment. 

The employment period may be reduced if you have previously been employed in a qualifying post (e.g. research fellow, research assistant).

About the research training

As a PhD Research Fellow, you must participate in an approved educational programme for a PhD degree within a period of 3 years. The deadline for applying for admission to the PhD programme at The Faculty of Science and Technology is 2 months after you start your position or after the start of the research project that will lead to the PhD degree. It is a condition that you satisfy the enrolment requirements for the PhD programme at the University of Bergen.

We can offer:

  • a good and professionally stimulating working environment 
  • salary as PhD research fellow (code 1017) in the state salary scale. This constitutes a gross annual salary of NOK 540500. Further increases in salary are made according to length of service in the position
  • enrolment in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund
  • Good welfare benefits

Your application must include:

  • a brief account of the applicant’s research interests and motivation for applying for the position
  • the names and contact information for two referees. One of these should be the main advisor for the master’s thesis or equivalent thesis 
  • CV
  • transcripts and diplomas showing completion of the bachelor’s and master’s degrees. If you have not yet completed your master’s degree, please submit a statement from your institution confirming the expected date of award of your master’s degree. Your master’s degree must be documented with transcripts and/or diploma before starting in the position
  • Relevant certificates/references
  • A list of any works of a scientific nature (publication list)
  • Any publications in your name

The application and appendices with certified translations into English or a Scandinavian language must be uploaded at Jobbnorge

General information:

For further details about the position, please contact Senior Researcher Eirik Keilegavlen, Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen, Eirik.Keilegavlen@uib.no or Professor Jan Martin Nordbotten, Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen, Jan.Nordbotten@uib.no.

For HR related questions contact HR advisor Magnus Skogstad, magnus.skogstad@uib.no

Diversity is a strength that enables us to solve our tasks even better. UiB therefore needs qualified employees regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, worldview, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and age.

We encourage women to apply. If multiple applicants have approximately equivalent qualifications, the rules pertaining to moderate gender quotas shall apply.

The University of Bergen applies the principle of public access to information when recruiting staff for academic positions.

Information about applicants may be made public even if the applicant has asked not to be named on the list of persons who have applied. The applicant must be notified if the request to be omitted is not met.

The successful applicant must comply with the guidelines that apply to the position at all times.

We encourage applicants with disabilities, immigrant backgrounds, or gaps in their CV to apply. By indicating such circumstances in your application, you may receive favourable consideration. We ensure that at least one qualified applicant from each of these groups is invited for an interview as part of our commitment to inclusivity and equal opportunity. For further information about the recruitment process, click here.


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截止日期 2025-03-30




电话: +47 55 58 00 00

