
PhD positions in Curriculum Studies


The Department of Education (EDU) provides research and study programmes at doctoral, undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as contract education, in the research subjects Curriculum Studies, Education, and Sociology of Education. At EDU there are several Master programmes. EDU has around 250 employees, of which 174 are teachers/researchers, 45 are doctoral students and 30 are administrators. More information about the department is available at http://www.edu.uu.se/.

Curriculum studies (Swedish/German: Didaktik, French: Didactiques) as a field of research and area of knowledge deals with matters relating to the content of education and teaching. The subject of curriculum studies is deeply rooted in both scientific traditions and teaching practices. The research questions which constitute the core of curriculum studies arise at the meeting point between specific subject-matter and teaching and learning of that subject-matter. It is therefore of interest to study, for example, the content of the teaching and what justifies the selection of that content, who the teaching is aimed at and how their learning process works, how the subject-material is handled in the teaching and who has power over the selection process.

For this PhD position applicants are welcome to submit project plans that investigate Curriculum
Studies issues (from pre-school to higher education) relating to research areas that are represented at the Department of Education. This research considers for instance studies on teaching and learning in preschool as well as teaching and learning in mathematics, mother tongue, science and social studies at different school levels. The research includes studies on teaching traditions, sustainable development in teaching practices, comparative studies within teaching and learning, aspects of children’s language practices such as reading and writing and second language development. For more detailed information on these areas see http://edu.uu.se/forskning/didaktik.

The full-time employment will be on a temporary basis for a period of four years and should lead to a dissertation (PhD thesis). Departmental duties (typically teaching and administration) at a level of at most 20 percent may be included in the position, in which case the employment period will be extended beyond the four years. PhD students are expected to study full-time, spend most of their working hours in Uppsala and actively participate in the department’s activities.

A general eligibility of 240 ECTS credits is required, 60 of which are obtained at advanced level,
corresponding to four years’ full-time university studies. 90 credits should have direct relevance for curriculum studies. An applicant may also be considered qualified if s/he has acquired the corresponding competence in other ways. Language skills in Swedish are not a requirement for employment, but the candidate is expected to learn Swedish. A good command of written and oral English language is required. For further information on the requirements for general and special eligibility for studies in the field of Curriculum Studies see contacts below. 

Applications should include completed and signed application form https://www.uu.se/download/18.3639f68418f572f151d707/1715160978111/Ansokan_forskarniva_210304.pdf , the relevant theses (bachelor’s and master’s theses or equivalent), a short CV stating research interests, a draft thesis plan, any publications and other relevant papers and documents that the applicant wishes to invoke. The draft thesis plan of no more than 5 pages should take up issues relevant to the proposed research topics, the discipline-related context, earlier research, the nature of the empirical data needed for the study and its methodology, as well as reflections on the relevance of the thesis project.

All documents submitted with the application should be in Swedish or English. If scientific texts that the applicant wishes to invoke are not available in any of these two languages, they can be submitted in French, German and Spanish but without any guarantee that they will be considered in the evaluation of the applications.

Rules governing PhD students are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5, §§ 1-7 and in Uppsala University’s rules and guidelines: Uppsala University´s rules and guidelines

See also the curriculum regulating third-cycle education in Curriculum studies, including the required qualifications, at https://www.uu.se/download/18.773af7981919740a5cc20c58/1725370771578/ASP didaktik rev 1 juni 23 (1).pdf

The post-graduate training is regulated by the Faculty of Educational Sciences in “Procedures for the Admission to Doctoral Studies”, “Continuation of Employment”, Prolongation of Employment” and “Procedures for the PhD Student’s Individual Study Plan”. For more information see https://www.uu.se/medarbetare/fakultet/utbildningsvetenskaper/utbildning-pa-forskarniva/riktlinjer

A doctoral student may be employed for maximum eight years, however the length (or duration) of the employment may not exceed the equivalent to full-time doctoral studies of four years.

About the employmentThe employment is a temporary position according to the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 § 7Salary according to local agreement for PhD students. Scope of employment 100 %. Starting date 2025-09-01 oras agreed. Placement: Uppsala.

For further information about the positions, please contact: Director of studies for post-graduate education in curriculum studies: Maria Rasmusson, maria.rasmusson@edu.uu.se, phone +46-18-471 2433. Deputy head Eva Lundqvist, eva.lundqvist@edu.uu.se.

Please submit your application by 10 February 2025, UFV-PA 2024/4388.

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