
PhD positions in Education


The Department of Education (EDU) provides research and study programs at doctoral, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels, as well as contract education, in the research subjects of Curriculum Studies, Education, and Sociology of Education. EDU also offers several Master’s programs. EDU has around 250 employees, of which 175 are teachers/researchers, 45 are doctoral students and 30 are administrators. More information about the department is available at www.uu.se/en/department/education.

The science of Education aims to develop knowledge of the processes, both formal and informal, through which children, young people, and adults are formed and change in different social, cultural, and institutional contexts, such as preschool, school, family, leisure time, working life, and higher education. Education is concerned with varying aspects of upbringing, socialization, education, learning, and teaching, as well as the prerequisites for and implementation of other social processes. Questions investigated include, for example, how and why different forms of values, knowledge, and skills are produced, sustained, and changed within and across generations, groups, and individuals.

Project DescriptionAs a PhD student, you will be working within one of our research groups.

Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy (STEP) performs studies on professions and governance, management and evaluation of educational processes and learning in educational institutions and working life. The selection, organization, and legitimization of knowledge, values, and identities are analyzed. Specific attention is given to the interplay between different levels and between education policy and practice, in relation to globalization, migration, digitalization, and the so-called knowledge-based society. Educational leadership (REL) studies education, learning, and leadership focusing on knowledge, abilities, norms, and values. Particular focus is placed on the relationship between education, leadership, and learning. The interdisciplinary research group shares an interest in the practice of leadership and the conditions that enable and limit leadership.

Studies in Childhood, Learning and Identities as Interactional Practices (CLIP) study social interaction, learning, and identity processes with a specific interest in the study of children’s and young people’s everyday life, social relations, and learning in preschool and school, digital practices, multilingualism, mobility, and spatiality. The research also encompasses the perspectives of professionals, learning in professional education, and workplace interaction. Child and Youth Studies (BUV) study the identity and socialization processes of children, young people, and young adults in various social arenas. The research critically examines structural and unequal conditions in the lives of children and young people, and how these groups experience and deal with these conditions in their everyday lives.

Pedagogics and Special Needs (PS) focuses on central questions related to inclusion and support measures, especially within the framework of school and preschool but also in other arenas. The research encompasses theoretical analyses and conceptual investigations, broad empirical surveys, as well as analysis of, and interventions in specific learning environments. In focus are questions related to professions, the relationship between policy and practice, pedagogical-philosophical questions, and the shaping of pedagogical practices.

More information about the research groups in Education can be found at the department website: https://www.uu.se/en/department/education/research/education.

The full-time employment will be on a temporary basis for a period of four years and should lead to a dissertation (PhD thesis). PhD students are expected to study full-time and actively participate in the department’s activities. Departmental duties (typically teaching and administration) at a level of at most 20 percent can be included in the position, in which case the employment period will be extended beyond the four years.

RequirementsIn order to be eligible for PhD studies in Education at Uppsala University the following requirements need to be met: a) completion of an advanced level degree b) fulfillment of the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits awarded at the advanced level, and c) have completed courses of at least 90 credits in Education, or the equivalent in some other form in Sweden or abroad. Proficiency in Swedish is not a requirement for employment, but the applicant is expected to learn Swedish, and must have an excellent command of spoken and written English.

Applications should include: completed and signed application form https://www.uu.se/download/18.3639f68418f572f151d707/1715160978111/Ansokan_forskarniva_210304.pdf, one copy of relevant degree theses (bachelor’s thesis and master’s thesis or equivalent), a short CV with any publications, degree certificates and grades confirming that you meet the general and specific entry requirements, as well as other documents or merits that the applicant wants to highlight. The application shall also include a description (4 to 5 pages) of the applicant’s planned research focus with a research plan (including research question(s), the discipline-related context, earlier research, the nature of the data needed for the study and its methodology, as well as reflections on the relevance of the thesis project) and why the applicant is interested in pursuing doctoral studies in Education at Uppsala University.

All documents submitted with the application should be in Swedish or English. All attached documentation in other languages than Swedish and English, should be officially translated into English.

Rules governing PhD students are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5, §§ 1-7 and in Uppsala University’s guidelines for doctoral studies; https://www.uu.se/en/staff/organisation-and-governance/regulations/guidelines-for-doctoral-studies-at-uppsala-university.

For more information on PhD programmes at the department, see https://www.uu.se/en/department/education/study/doctoral-studies.

For the curriculum regulating third-cycle education in Education studies, see Allmän studieplan pedagogik https://www.uu.se/download/18.773af7981919740a5cc20c73/1725370903064/ASP pedagogik rev 1 juni 23.pdf.

The doctoral training in education is also regulated by the Faculty of Educational Sciences “Procedures for the Admission to Doctoral Studies”, “Continuation of Employment”, “Prolongation of Employment” and “Procedures for the PhD Student’s Individual Study Plan”, see https://www.uu.se/medarbetare/fakultet/utbildningsvetenskaper/utbildning-pa-forskarniva/riktlinjer.

A doctoral student may be employed for maximum eight years, however the length (or duration) of the employment may not exceed the equivalent to full-time doctoral studies of four years.

About the employmentThe employment is a temporary position according to the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 § 7Salary according to local agreement for PhD students. Scope of employment 100 %. Starting date 2025-09-01 oras agreed. Placement: Uppsala.

For further information about the position, please contact: Director of PhD studies: Gunilla Lindqvist, gunilla.lindqvist@edu.uu.se, phone +46 70 693 86 22. Professor Helen Melander Bowden, helen.melander@edu.uu.se, tel. 018-471 16 80.

Please submit your application by 10 February 2025, UFV-PA 2024/4440.

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