
Translational Neuroscience


We are looking to recruit outstanding postgraduate candidates to join our prestigious Wellcome Trust four-year PhD programme in Translational Neuroscience. This is a prestigious, and innovative, research PhD programme that addresses a current global need in the translation of fundamental neuroscience research into the clinic. By ‘Training to Translate’ it focuses on the advancement of knowledge, expertise and skills in clinical translation and will draw on unique Edinburgh research strengths in diseases across the life-course to achieve this goal. This programme is run by the University of Edinburgh and funded by the Wellcome Trust.

The programme will train non-clinical students to combine cutting-edge experimental technology (e.g. cellular, regenerative, computational, genetic, animal models) and analytical tools, with comprehensive knowledge of the clinical brain research environment. By doing so, it will equip students with the distinct skills required to bridge the knowledge gap between the design, execution and interpretation of cellular/animal experiments and the challenges of experimental medicine.

At least six Translational Neuroscience PhD studentships are available in September 2020 for promising postgraduate candidates with a strong interest in translational neuroscience. Studentships include a stipend, tuition fees (at the UK/EU rate) and contributions towards research costs for their rotation and PhD projects. Studentships also provide funds for travel and training, including related to transferable skills and professional development.


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英联邦, 英国 所在地点
奖学金型, 自费型 项目类别




电话: +44 (0)131 650 1000

