
Systems Biology


With the increasing availability of data from the genome and other “omics,” computational and experimental systems biology have become important disciplines within the biological sciences. Columbia University offers PhD graduate education that prepares students to become leaders in this exciting and rapidly growing field.

Students interested in pursuing a PhD in systems biology traditionally apply through the Integrated Program in Cellular, Molecular, and Biomedical Studies at Columbia University. This program gives students the opportunity to study with any faculty member within the Columbia Department of Systems Biology. Alternately, students who have been admitted to Columbia through other affiliated PhD programs can also join the laboratories of faculty within the Department of Systems Biology.

Through courses, laboratory rotations, and doctoral research, you will learn to apply powerful, multidisciplinary perspectives that increase understanding of how complex biological systems are structured, how they evolve over time, and how they produce physiologic or pathologic traits.

Because advances in genomics and related disciplines increasingly rely on the ability to generate, integrate, and analyze large quantities of data, our educational program stresses the importance of high-throughput experimentation, advanced quantitative analysis, and innovative technology development. Students learn to use these tools to develop predictive models of biological networks, and to experimentally validate and interrogate predictions in the laboratory. The experience and skills that you gain will prepare you to move smoothly between the worlds of experimentation and computation, and to make original contributions at the cutting edge of basic and translational biological research.

Students who study systems and computational biology at Columbia University arrive with a wide range of interests, including biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, computer science, and engineering. As a student, you will have opportunities to develop your knowledge and skills in your areas of interest. Most importantly, you will learn to collaborate as a part of interdisciplinary teams that use state-of-the-art approaches to solve critical biological problems.


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