
Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences


Why Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh was ranked first in Scotland for research power in Education and Sport (THE Overall Ranking REF 2014) and we offer the largest concentration of researchers in education in a Scottish university, meaning you’ll be supported by and collaborate with leaders in the field.

Our research activities cover a wide range of aspects relating to sport, physical education and health sciences.


Moray House School of Education and Sport staff provide supervision on a wide range of topics within the fields of:

  • physical education
  • sport management
  • sports science
  • social and cultural significance of sport
  • health sciences

Many opportunities also exist for interdisciplinary research.

Research Thematic Hubs

With over 250 research staff and students, we have a vibrant and expanding research community with a broad portfolio of academic disciplines gathered within seven broad research themes with permeable boundaries. These thematic hubs are:

Research community

As a postgraduate research student you will join a vibrant Graduate School community with over 150 research students. There are also several opportunities for optional training and development throughout your studies.

Research students are encouraged to attend and actively engage with the activities of School research thematic hubs, which include seminars, meetings and workshops.

In addition, several academic and social events for research students take place throughout the year. We organise an annual series of around 25 trainings, talks and seminar events, as well as the student-led ‘Interweaving’ conference for research students and staff.


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