The Department of Sociology offers programs leading to the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy. Four MA programs are available: (1) a course-based MA; (2) a thesis-based MA; (3) a course-based MA in criminal justice; and (4) a thesis-based MA in population and life course dynamics.
The PhD in Sociology strives to educate scholars with a breadth of knowledge of the discipline and specialized in-depth knowledge of particular fields within the discipline.
The Department of Sociology encourages all outstanding applicants to submit a completed application by December 15 in order to be considered for recruitment scholarships and other university awards. Furthermore, all applications completed before January 15 will be considered for admission, awards and graduate assistantship funding.
Application forms for admission are available online at www.gradstudies.ualberta.ca. Detailed graduate program information is available on the Department’s home page at www.sociology.ualberta.ca.
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