
Renewable Resources


The Department of Renewable Resources offers programs leading to the course-based degrees of Master of Agriculture, Master of Forestry, and thesis-based degrees of Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy.

The Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences and the Faculty of Business offer two course-based programs of joint study that enable students to earn both the Master of Business Administration and Master of Agriculture degrees or both the Master of Business Administration and Master of Forestry degrees, after two calendar years of full-time study.

Graduate studies in the Department of Renewable Resources encompass a broad spectrum of scientific and management applications in natural and managed landscapes.

Graduate studies in the Department of Renewable Resources fall within five major research themes briefly defined as: Conservation Biology, Forest Ecology and Management, Agriculture and the Environment, Reclamation and Restoration of Land and Water, and Environmental Soil Science.

Thesis research is conducted within the major research themes, however, the following eight fields of study are the approved specializations for the thesis-based programs: 1) Agroforestry (MSc only) 2) Conservation Biology 3) Forest Biology and Management 4) Land Reclamation and Remediation 5) Protected Areas and Wildland Management 6) Soil Science 7) Water and Land Resources 8) Wildlife Ecology and Management. Inquiries should be directed to the Associate Chair (Graduate Programs), Department of Renewable Resources.

Prospective students should note that the Renewable Resources program is integrated within the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences.


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电话: 780-492-3111

