Approximately 60 members of PIR academic staff enjoy international reputations for their research and have won numerous teaching, research and advising awards. Their scholarship covers a diverse range of research areas on Scotland, Europe, and the world, and is published in highly-rated journals and books.
The department has a strong tradition of advising, informing and debating policy with key decision-makers at Scottish, UK, European and international levels, and has a notable concentration of political theorists.
Research in Politics and International Relations explores the theory, practice and ethics of politics and governance.
We cover a broad area of expertise, from local policy to global governance, political theory to empirical studies, constructivism to rational choice approaches.
Our Politics & International Relations group has close links with cross-disciplinary and internationally recognised research centres.
Major research focuses include:
- sub-state and supranational dimensions of politics and public policy
- the impact of devolution in the UK and elsewhere, and the constitution and governance of the European Union
- international politics: changing relations, the new security agenda, transatlantic relations, political economy, migration politics and global governance
- nationalism, democratic transition, civil society and institution-building
- health, welfare, environment, competition, migrations and citizenship, and equal opportunities policies
- political theory, especially war ethics, environmental ethics and theories of freedom
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