
Plasma Physics



Students in the Program in Plasma Physics are not required to satisfy course requirements. Students are expected to take whatever courses they feel are necessary to prepare for the general examination or in accordance with research interests. In preparation for the preliminary examination in the Department of Physics, some students take graduate-level courses offered by the physics department in the fall.PRE-GENERALS REQUIREMENT(S):

The Department of Physics Preliminary Examination
All students must pass the preliminary examination given by the physics department. This exam is given over two days and contains material on mechanics, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, and thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Students typically take the exam in January of the first year, but a May examination is also offered.GENERAL EXAM:

Generals are taken in May of the second year and consist of:

  • Two 4-hour written sessions
  • One 30-60 minute oral session

The professors on the examining committee for the oral session determine whether a student passes and advances to the thesis proposal stage. Students prepare for the general examination by forming review groups and taking graduate plasma physics courses in their first two years.QUALIFYING FOR THE M.A.:

The Master of Arts (M.A.) degree is normally an incidental degree on the way to full Ph.D. candidacy and is earned after successfully passing (a) the physics preliminary examination and (b) the written general examination. It may also be awarded to students who, for various reasons, leave the Ph.D. program, provided that these requirements have been met.POST-GENERALS REQUIREMENT(S):

Thesis Proposal
The thesis proposal takes place in the nine months following the successful completion of the general examination. A completed thesis proposal consists of a written proposal and a proposal presentation.  The thesis committee notifies the student of the results of the thesis proposal immediately following the proposal presentation.DISSERTATION AND FPO:

The Ph.D. is awarded after the candidate’s doctoral dissertation has been accepted and the final public oral examination sustained.


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普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)位于美国东海岸新泽西州的普林斯顿市,是美国大学协会的14个始创院校之一,也是常春藤联盟成员。


电话: 609-258-3000

