
PhD student in Public Health Sciences


The Department of Public Health sciences is a department at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Stockholm University, with around 70 employees. We offer a dynamic, interdisciplinary, and internationally leading research environment. The Department houses two research centres: Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS) and Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD). We offer education at the basic, advanced, and doctoral levels.

Project description
The doctoral project aims to understand disability-related health inequalities using Swedish register data. The doctoral project will take a broad approach to disability and health inequalities over the life-course and across generations. The doctoral project will involve the development of a general framework to study disability-related health inequalities. Based on this framework, quantitative studies will be conducted. These studies will use epidemiological design and statistical modelling and will be based on Swedish national social and health registers. The doctoral project will advance the theoretical and empirical understanding of disability-related health inequalities.

The doctoral project will provide a unique opportunity to study disability-related health inequalities within the context of the Swedish social and healthcare systems and to work in an interdisciplinary environment with deep roots in health inequality research. Ultimately, the PhD project will inform the development of policies and practices that improve the health of people with disabilities.

The doctoral project will be conducted within one or more of the following ongoing research projects at the Department of Public Health Sciences:

These research projects can provide support for the doctoral project to understand disability-related health inequalities in the areas of cancer, maternity care, and child health. These projects provide opportunities to investigate possible mechanisms linking disability and health, including socioeconomic and psychosocial factors, access and quality of healthcare, and social and health policies.

Qualification requirements
In order to be admitted to postgraduate education, the applicant must have the general and specific entry requirements. The qualification requirements must be met by the deadline for applications.

You meet general entry requirements if you have completed a second-cycle degree, or completed courses equivalent to at least 240 higher education credits, of which 60 credits must be in the second cycle, or have otherwise acquired equivalent knowledge in Sweden or elsewhere.

In order to meet the specific entry requirements, the general syllabus for doctoral studies in the field of public health sciences stipulates that applicants must have good oral and written skills in English. Applicants must also have completed the course requirements concerning quantitative or qualitative methods relevant for Public Health Sciences comprising of at least 7.5 higher education credits at the advanced level.

The entry requirements can also be met if the applicant has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge either in Sweden or abroad. Whether such knowledge meets the specified requirements is decided upon by the Director of Studies for the doctoral programme in Public Health Sciences, and the final decision is made by the Head of Department.

The selection among the qualified applicants is based on their ability to achieve the goals for doctoral studies. The criteria used in this selection process are:

  • Subject-specific knowledge of relevance to Public Health Sciences
  • Subject-specific knowledge of relevance to the research project to which the employment is linked (where applicable)
  • Independence in the analysis and planning of previous scholarly work
  • Scholarly stringency and quality of previous work and of the outline of the research plan
  • The ability to communicate and collaborate
  • The department’s possibilities to provide adequate supervision for the planned research

Admission Regulations for Doctoral Studies at Stockholm University.

About the post
We offer a fixed-term employment as a doctoral student according to Chapter 5 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100). The period of employment may not be longer than what corresponds to full-time doctoral education for four years. As a doctoral student, you should primarily devote yourself to your own doctoral education, but the employment may include work with education, research and administration to a limited extent (maximum 20 %).

A new employment as a doctoral student is for a maximum of one year, the employment is then renewed for a maximum of two years at a time.

Stockholm University strives to be a workplace free from discrimination and with equal opportunities for all.

For more information, please contact Dr Can Liu, can.liu@su.se and Dr Alessandra Grotta, Alessandra.grotta@su.se.

For more information about the doctoral programme, please contact the Director of Studies Sara Brolin Låftman, sara.brolin.laftman@su.se.

Union representatives
Saco-S, saco@saco.su.se, Fackförbundet ST/OFR, st@st.su.se, and SEKO, seko@seko.su.se.
PhD student representative, studentombud@sus.se.

Apply for the PhD student position at Stockholm University’s recruitment system. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete in accordance with the instructions in the advertisement, and that it is submitted before the deadline.

Please include the following information with your application

  • Your contact details and personal data
  • Your highest degree
  • Your language skills
  • Contact details for 2–3 references

and, in addition, please include the following documents

  • Cover letter
  • CV – degrees and other completed courses, work experience and a list of degree projects/theses
  • An outline that describes the planned research (1-3 pages). This must, where applicable, be linked to the call’s project description. The outline must indicate the main focus, conceivable thesis topic, and preferably also a specification of a possible research problem, theory, method and material.
  • Degree certificates and grades confirming that you meet the general and specific entry requirements (no more than 6 files)
  • Letters of recommendation (no more than 6 files)
  • Degree projects/theses (no more than 6 files).

The instructions for applicants are available at: How to apply for a position.

You are welcome to apply!

Stockholm University contributes to the development of sustainable democratic society through knowledge, enlightenment and the pursuit of truth.

Closing date: 15/10/2024

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