PhD position on lignin-based wood adhesives
Lignin is the second largest resource derived from wood. This resource shows great potential in making wood adhesives and playing pivotal roles in the biorefinery process. We are actively seeking a motivated Ph.D. student to join an interdisciplinary research group in Forest products and Chemical engineering, primarily focusing on lignin-based wood adhesives. In this project, the Ph.D. student will work on the development of scalable ways for preparing lignin-based wood adhesives and used for the preparation of sustainable wood composite. This project will be performed in a highly collaborative set-up within Chalmers University of Technology and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).
Project description
At the Forest Products and Chemical Engineering in the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, we have a long tradition of multidisciplinary approach to valorization of forest biomass ranging from chemistry and technology of traditional pulping processes to novel routes of separating, fractionation, and functionalizing forest biomass components in the spirit of biorefinery and biomaterials development. Extensive collaborations with forest industry and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) strengthen the collaborative environment and facilitate access to extensive research infrastructure.
This project focuses on green chemical engineering techniques for converting heterogeneous lignin into versatile and uniform lignin building blocks, followed by the development of advanced wood adhesives. A critical aspect of this work involves structural characterization and the preparation of wood composite. The utilization of quantitative structure-property relationship modelling will be an integrated part in this work. The project may also encompass a comprehensive life cycle assessment to evaluate the environmental impacts of obtained wood composite. The BioGlue Center, provides a network for collaboration with other researchers who are experts in different areas.
Major responsibilities
As a Ph.D student, the main part of your working time will be devoted to your research project, where you will be responsible for planning, performing experiments, and evaluating your experimental work. You will also be expected to communicate your results in different settings, from meetings with supervisors and collaborators to presentations at the research division and international conferences. Moreover, you will be expected to develop your scientific writing skills by authoring articles for publication in scientific journals. You will also contribute to teaching on the undergraduate level by leading and supervising laboratory sessions, projects and tutorials, corresponding up to 20% of your time. You will be dedicated to courses related to your research field and general academic skills/knowledge.
Read more about doctoral studies at Chalmers here.
The successful candidate needs to have a Master’s degree in Material Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Wood Science or equivalent. Laboratory experience in organic chemistry, biomass processing, analytic chemistry, wood processing, as well as experience in multidisciplinary work, are meritorious. Good communication skills in English and good collaboration skills are required for this project.
Contract terms
Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of five years.
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Application procedure
The application should be written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.
CV: (Please name the document: CV, Family name, reference number)
• CV
• Other, for example previous employments or leadership qualifications and positions of trust.
• Two references that we can contact.
Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, ref.number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous experience of relevance for the position (e.g. education, thesis work and, if applicable, any other research activities)
• Describe your future goals and future research focus
Other documents:
• Copies of bachelor and/or master’s thesis.
• Attested copies and transcripts of completed education, grades and other certificates, e.g. TOEFL test results.
Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.
Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.
Application deadline: 2024-12-31
For questions, please contact:
Liyang Liu – Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. ***
Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward.
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