The research (and teaching) activities of KU Leuven/ESAT/ELECTA cover a wide spectrum from power systems over power electronics to
control and socio-economic issues.
The main research topics include power system operation and control; distributed control and optimisation; power electronics; energy
markets; and multi-scale, multi-physics system modelling. Since more than fifteen years, smart grids are a focal point, where we look into
the power grid infrastructure, ICT infrastructure, smart grid applications, algorithms, business processes and stakeholders. As smart grids
are about managing flexibility, this makes ELECTA’s experience and knowledge an indispensable input for this project.
The research group has been active since the 1960s and currently has 6 full-time professors, 6 part-time professors, 8 post-doctoral and
senior researchers, 13 administrative and technical persons and 45+ PhD students. ELECTA is a founding member of the Energy Institute
(www.kuleuven.be/ei) (1997), which is recognised as a KU Leuven centre of excellence. ELECTA is also one of the driving forces behind
EnergyVille (www.energyville.be), which unites KU Leuven, VITO, imec and UHasselt for research on sustainable energy and intelligent
energy systems. Since 2016 EnergyVille has its research facilities Genk, where it hosts advanced smart grid laboratories. Within this project,
KU Leuven has full access to these EnergyVille facilities. Finally, ELECTA is one of the key partners in InnoEnergy (EIT – Knowledge and
Innovation Community) with focus on Intelligent Energy Efficient Buildings and Cities.
electromobility applications”. This project addresses the growing demand for energy-efficient power electronics in electromobility applicationsby developing pioneering innovative models and design procedures for custom-made magnetic components. The enhanced design of thesecomponents plays a crucial role in the ongoing energy transition towards reducing power losses and meeting the greenhouse gas emissionreduction targets.The primary goal is to develop advanced power loss models that accurately characterize magnetic components within modern highfrequency(HF) power conversion systems with wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors. Our strategy combines experimental procedures withnumerical simulation, confronting the challenges posed by the ever-increasing switching frequency and the imperative to volume reduction(miniaturisation).These complementary parts will contribute to the development of digital twins for magnetic components and will enhance their designthrough model order reduction and artificial intelligence algorithms. This opens exciting new research horizons in the realm of modern powerelectronics with WBG devices.The PhD student will be part of the ELECTA research group, as part of EnergyVille. The PhD researcher will focus on the modelling andnumerical simulation and work in tight collaboration with another PhD student that will focus on the experimental part, though both parts arenot exclusive.
You are a highly motivated and enthusiastic researcher with a strong interest in the development of numerical simulation methods. Youhave:· A master’s degree in electromechanical/energy engineering OR electrical engineering or mechanical engineering OR mathematicalengineering OR computer science OR data science.· You have good software skills and high-level programming languages (python, julia), e.g., finite element software (commercial or opensource), Matlab/Simulink.· Critical and creative thinking skills.· Independence and initiative.· Reliability in teamwork and good communication skills.· Excellent proficiency in English (speaking, listening, and writing).Please indicate clearly in the motivation letter your research interests and your previous experience and knowledge.
· A four-year doctoral scholarship and a PhD in Engineering Science, if successful.· The opportunity to participate in exciting scientific projects carried out within ELECTA and EnergyVille research centre. EnergyVilleactively collaborates with industry, helping you to expand your professional network.· Access to state-of-the-art technologies, core facilities and technical support· The opportunity to be part of in an exciting and international research environment, engage in research collaborations and participateat international conferences.· A flexible working culture with opportunity to up to 40% remote working.· Benefits such as health insurance, access to university sports facilities, etc.
Meer informatie is te verkrijgen bij prof. dr. ir. Ruth Vazquez Sabariego, tel.: +32 16 32 88 91, mail: ruth.sabariego@kuleuven.be of prof. dr. Wilmar Martinez Martinez, tel.: +32 16 32 52 31, mail: wilmar.martinez@kuleuven.be.Solliciteren voor deze vacature kan tot en met 30/04/2025 via onze online sollicitatietoepassing
KU Leuven wil een inclusieve, respectvolle en sociaal veilige gemeenschap zijn. Wij omarmen diversiteit tussen individuen en groepen als een meerwaarde. Open dialoog en verschillen in perspectief zijn noodzakelijk in een ambitieuze onderzoeks- en onderwijsomgeving. In ons streven naar gelijke kansen erkennen wij de gevolgen van historische ongelijkheden. Wij aanvaarden geen enkele vorm van discriminatie op basis van, onder meer, geslacht, genderidentiteit en -expressie, seksuele oriëntatie, leeftijd, etnische of nationale afkomst, huidskleur, levensbeschouwelijke overtuiging, neurodivergentie, arbeidshandicap, gezondheid, of socio-economische status. Bij vragen over toegankelijkheid of aangeboden ondersteuning helpen we je graag op dit e-mailadres.
Heb je een vraag over de online sollicitatieprocedure? Raadpleeg onze veelgestelde vragen of stuur een e-mail naar solliciteren@kuleuven.be
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