Communication and identity are deeply intertwined
In this research project, Expressing Identity in Public Discourse through Argumentation, argumentation is investigated as a mode of communication through which people can present themselves and others in interactions. Although argumentation may have many functions, among which particularly its function in persuasion and building consensus is well-established, the use of argumentation to express identity and social relationships has to be studied in more detail.
In the field of language and social interaction, identity and the presentation of self has been a central concern and various theories have been developed to understand how utterances are used to position oneself and one’s interlocutor. In the context of public discussions, argumentation is used not only to convince others, but also to position oneself or one’s group within a larger public sphere. The processes of creating groups and projecting relationships and hierarchies are central to public argumentation and are deeply intertwined with identity concerns. It is these arguments, not necessarily or exclusively meant to convince anyone in a difference of opinion, which are the focus of this project: arguments which may project attitudes, relationships and social status.
In this project, the PhD will collaborate with the principal investigator to connect literature on communication and identity to argumentation theory, resulting in an analytic model for empirical analyses that has clear links with current research in argumentation theory. The researcher will primarily focus on connecting insights in (interactional) sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology and/or discourse/conversation analysis to the field of argumentation theory, and can develop these connections on a case study of their choice. The researcher compiles their own corpus and designs their own study within the scope of the project. In particular, this project starts from the premise that argumentation can be highly productive in creating an in-group and feelings of belonging, particularly in the public sphere. The researcher is expected to contribute with their project to the study of communication in the public domain.
This is what you will be doing
Your tasks and activities will include:
- submission of a PhD thesis within the period of appointment;
- participating in meetings of the project research group and developing a shared corpus;
- publishing single-authored, peer-reviewed articles as well as collaborative studies;
- presenting intermediate research results at (national and international) workshops and conferences;
- organising knowledge dissemination activities;
- (Co-)teaching courses at the BA-level in the 2nd and 3rd year of the appointment (max. 0,2FTE per year)
- participation in the Research School and Faculty of Humanities PhD training programmes.
This is what we ask of you
You demonstrate a genuine interest and enthusiasm for the research topic. You actively seek out resources, tools, and knowledge to advance the research project and quickly adapt to new methodologies, tools, and research directions. You carefully and critically review data, analyses, and written work. You are able to present research findings at meetings, conferences, and in written publications in a clear way, making complex concepts accessible to both academic and general audiences.
Candidates need to have the following qualifications:
- a completed (research) Master’s degree in the areas of argumentation, rhetoric, discourse, linguistics or communication, or a comparable discipline. You may apply if you have not yet completed a Master’s degree only if you provide a signed letter from your supervisor stating that you will graduate before 31 August 2025;
- excellent research skills demonstrated by an outstanding (research) Master’s thesis and a demonstrable capacity to develop a track record of publishing in high-ranking journals and/or with leading presses;
- a strong cooperative attitude and willingness to engage in collaborative research;
- enthusiasm for communicating academic research to non-academic audiences;
- good command of English is required; good command of Dutch is desired;
- experience in conducting qualitative research
Please note that if you already hold a doctorate/PhD or are working towards obtaining a similar degree elsewhere, you will not be admitted to a doctoral programme at the UvA.
This is what we offer you
We offer a temporary employment contract for the period of 48 months. The first contract will be for 16 months, with an extension for the following 32 months, contingent on a positive performance evaluation within the first 12 months. The employment contract is for 38 hours a week. The preferred starting date is 01 September 2025.
Your salary is in the first year of the employment contract € 2,901 and in the last year a maximum of € 3,707 gross per month on the basis of a full working week of 38 hours. This sum does not include the 8% holiday allowance and the 8,3% year-end allowance. Favourable tax agreements may apply to applicants moving from abroad. The Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities is applicable.
What else do we offer?
- PhD candidates receive a tuition fee waiver;
- PhD candidates have free access to courses offered by the Graduate School of Humanities and the Dutch National Research Schools;
- excellent possibilities for further professional development and education;
- an inspiring academic and international work environment in the heart of Amsterdam;
- an enthusiastic and professional academic team.
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