PhD at the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication
Job description
- The Doctoral Fellow will be embedded in the Department of Translation, Interpreting, and Communication. They will work with Prof. Jeroen Vandaele (executive supervisor), a scholar working at the intersections of translation, ideology, and humour, and Prof. Andrew Bricker (co-supervisor), a scholar of English literature, satire, and humour. The Doctoral Fellow will work on a specific doctoral project, leading to a dissertation, as part of “DELIAH: Democratic Literacy and Humour,” a multi-university research project funded by Horizon Europe (Call: HORIZON-CL2-2024-DEMOCRACY-01-08), which will run from 1 March 2025 – 29 February 2029.
- This Doctoral Fellow’s PhD project within DELIAH will “investigate the role of translation in the international circulation and reception of laughter scandals.”
- Description: This PhD project seeks to investigate the shaping role of (human and automatic) translation and non-translation in the international spread of ‘alleged humor’, i.e., visual and verbal content that is framed as humorous by some but found aggressive and even hateful by others. The project thus intends to bring the study of international ‘laughter scandals’ and cases of alleged ‘context collapse’ in relation to translation.
- The Doctoral Fellow will be (in part) responsible for DELIAH’s website and social-media profiles; and will take an active part in DELIAH’s annual meetings (in Ghent in April 2025; in Tartu, Estonia in 2026; in Bratislava, Slovakia in 2027; and in Bilbao, Spain in 2028); and will contribute to the successful advancement of the DELIAH project as a whole and to the spirit of interdisciplinary exchange that characterizes the project.
- The Doctoral Fellow will also engage in some part-time teaching (based on expertise; a maximum of one semester in total over four years) and will participate in the life of the Department of Translation, Interpreting, and Communication, including assistance with a limited number of organizational tasks assigned by the executive supervisor.
- We offer a full-time position as a Doctoral Fellow, consisting of an initial period of 12 months, which, after a positive evaluation, will be extended to a total maximum of 48 months.
- Your contract will start on 1 March 2025 at the earliest and will end on 29 February 2029 at the latest.
- The fellowship amount is 100% of the net salary of an AAP member in equal family circumstances. The individual fellowship amount is determined by the Department of Personnel and Organization based on family status and seniority. A grant that meets the conditions and criteria of the regulations for doctoral fellowships is considered free of personal income tax. Click here for more information about our salary scales
- All Ghent University staff members enjoy a number of benefits, such as a wide range of training and education opportunities, 36 days of holiday leave (on an annual basis for a full-time job) supplemented by annual fixed bridge days, a bicycle allowance and eco vouchers. Click here for a complete overview of all the staff benefits.
- The Doctoral Fellow will also receive additional funds to support research and conference travel
Ghent (pop. 260,000+) is a vibrant historic city, which offers a unique blend of medieval charm and modern innovation. Known for its well-preserved architecture, it is home to a lively cultural scene, which includes numerous festivals, art exhibits, and music events throughout the year. The city’s thriving tech industry, alongside Ghent University, attracts an international workforce. Ghent offers an extensive pedestrianized historic centre, a wide network of cycling paths, and efficient public transport. Ghent is known for its high quality of life.
Job profile
- You hold a Master’s degree (or will hold an MA by 1 March 2025) relevant to the topic of the doctoral dissertation, e.g., Communication Studies, Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, Digital Humanities, Discourse Studies, Media Studies, Translation Studies, etc. (these degrees are simply illustrative and placed in alphabetical order).
- You are demonstrably multilingual and have an active interest in translation.
- You have a demonstrable interest in and acquaintance with humor research.
- You have excellent research skills (as shown, for instance, by your MA thesis).
- You have very good academic writing skills and oral skills in English.
- You have a strong interest in collaborative research and interdisciplinary dialogue.
- You are enthusiastic about communicating academic research to non-academic audiences.
How to apply
Send your CV, a copy of your university transcripts, a copy of your diploma (if already in your possession), a copy of your MA thesis (if available), and a cover letter (max. 2 pages), describing yourself and your interest in the project and the position, to JKM.Vandaele@UGent.be and Andrew.Bricker@UGent.be.
IMPORTANT: In the subject line of your application, please write “DELIAH TRANSLATION: application” (or “DELIAH TRANSLATION: enquiry”, in case you wish information about this vacancy). For more information about this vacancy, please contact Prof. Jeroen Vandaele directly (jkm.vandaele@ugent.be).
Applications are due by the end of the day on Monday 2 December 2024. We will not accept late applications.
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