


Postgraduate research in the Faculty of Music is centred on individual scholarly activity in fields such as historical musicology, analysis, ethnomusicology, performance studies, music and science and composition. Doctoral students work in close contact with one or more leading researchers in their field as well as participating in programmes of skills training and colloquia; there are also opportunities to gain experience in teaching. The overwhelming majority of graduate students in the Faculty undertake research that is directly connected with the special research interests of members of the Faculty. Intending applicants are strongly advised to make contact with a prospective supervisor prior to making a formal application in order to discuss the feasibility of their proposed research.

The principal educational aim of the three to four-year PhD programme is to assist each student to acquire the research techniques, skills and knowledge that will enable them to make an original and significant contribution to scholarship, research or artistic practice in the discipline that is the focus of each individual’s thesis. Given the focus of the programme on individual research excellence, it is necessarily tailored to the research interests of the student and the expertise of their supervisor.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the programme students should have acquired:

  • knowledge of and expertise in the techniques and methods appropriate to their chosen subject of study;
  • the ability to engage with both teaching and research at the highest level in the contemporary academic environment; and
  • a clear understanding of the scope and applicability of their research in broader contexts.


Students wishing to continue from the MPhil in Music Studies to the PhD in Music must have achieved an overall mark of at least 70 per cent.


  • Applicants for this course should have achieved a UK Masters (Merit).


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