The Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies offers Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Our graduate programs produce specialists working in the specialization disciplines of Applied Linguistics, Media and Cultural Studies, Translation Studies and Transnational and Comparative Literatures.
Applied Linguistics
This specialization involves research in one of the following areas: second language acquisition and pedagogy, discourse studies, sociolinguistics, and multilingualism.
Media and Cultural Studies
This specialization involves the analysis of different media using theories of cultural studies. Areas of emphasis include: folklore studies, gender and sexuality studies, native studies, popular culture, game and design studies, and urban studies.
Translation Studies
This specialization involves research in one or more of the following: cultural translation, history of translation, literary translation, multilingual translation, translation theory and criticism.
Transnational and Comparative Literatures
This specialization involves the study of global literature, criticism, theory, and their intersections with language, art, and culture, either within a single language or across languages.
The Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies emphasizes multidisciplinary and cross-linguistic approaches, but also has the capacity to deliver individualized programs in specific fields and languages. All work and research in MLCS is based within a multilingual and global context.
For more information, see the Modern Languages and Cultural Studies website.
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