
Medicine (MB PhD)



The Division of Medicine is multidisciplinary and combines excellent facilities with world-leading scientific and clinical expertise. A fundamental aim of the Division of Medicine is to train and inspire the next generation of leading scientists and clinicians. Students benefit from a training environment that fosters collaboration across the interface of basic science with clinical medicine and its practice within our associated hospitals, as well as the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. Together these provide an excellent educational experience and unrivalled opportunities for networking, career development and eventual employment across the biomedical and healthcare sectors.

Research areas

A huge array of research opportunities are on offer within the Division of Medicine. Applications to conduct research outside the Division of Medicine may be accommodated with prior approval. The training is largely multidisciplinary with exposure to many types of research methods. Former students have undertaken PhDs in areas such as cancer, immunology, public health, haematology, neuroscience, rheumatology, surgery, molecular biology and infection. Students can enjoy basic science and clinical investigation opportunities.More information can be found on the department website: Medicine MB PhD

About this degree

Additional costs

For more information on additional costs for prospective students please go to our estimated cost of essential expenditure at Accommodation and living costs.


Details of the accessibility of UCL buildings can be obtained from AccessAble accessable.co.uk. Further information can also be obtained from the UCL Student Support & Wellbeing team.


For students who are offered a place on the MBPhD programme, the PhD stage is funded by a series of studentships from various sources, many of which are charitable and may specify an area of interest for a research project. Typically, studentships include an annual stipend of approximately £17,500 and UCL home-level fees. A contribution to laboratory costs may also form part of the studentship. Please see the Funding bodies page on the department website.

For a comprehensive list of the funding opportunities available at UCL, including funding relevant to your nationality, please visit the Scholarships and Funding website.


It is expected that the MBPhD graduate will follow a career that involves research. Some alumni have become full-time researchers with no clinical role, but this is unusual: the majority enjoy clinical work as well. The intense research background makes MBPhD graduates highly eligible for careers in academic medicine, but also in industry, in health policy, and in the financial services industry. 
After graduating from the medical school, graduates almost always go into junior doctor training posts, often in the ‘Academic Foundation’ higher stream, later branching out into different medical specialties with varying involvement in research.


MBPhD graduates are typically slightly more mature than regular MBBS graduates, and they will have a strong background in basic human biology with excellent and highly honed presentation and problem-solving skills, making them excellent junior doctors who are welcomed throughout the UK. In later years they are particularly well qualified for clinical research fellow posts where their scientific background gives them a head start over most medical graduates who have had very little or no research training. Graduates can expect to find employment in the NHS, universities, research institutes, pharmaceutical industry and private sector employers.


Studying clinical medicine at UCL introduces the student to many first-rate consultants and junior doctors. The research element may place the student in a laboratory with access to scientists working on cutting-edge research. Very commonly there are opportunities for scientific collaboration across London and in other parts of the UK and Europe. Students are encouraged to attend conferences at which further links can be established.

Why study this degree at UCL?

Students reading Medicine in the UK who want to get research training as early in their career as possible should consider this programme. The principal advantage of UCL is that we are associated with world-renowned hospitals where much of our translational and clinical research is carried out.

Department: Division of Medicine

What our students and staff say

Student review

“London is the hub of medical research in the UK and studying or working here makes meeting other researchers and collaborators easy. Being in London is also very valuable in the context of clinical research as one has access to a very large potential study population including some specific groups that might be difficult to find elsewhere.”


Medicine MB PhD
Student review

“I had done a Wellcome Trust summer studentship during my undergraduate degree in a UCL lab at the Institute of Child Health. This was a fantastic opportunity to be part of some exciting research and made me realise I wanted to do a PhD as well as my medical studies. “


Medicine MB PhD
Student review

“UCL is one of the few universities in the UK that runs an MBPhD programme. I wanted to take advantage of the rare opportunity to pursue my research interests, working with leading scientists, while being provided with clinical training in parallel.We have external speakers and visitors in our lab regularly, providing an invaluable opportunity for networking in the academic world. London is an exciting place to live, and houses some of the best research institutes in the UK. “


Application and next steps


Students are advised to apply as early as possible due to competition for places. Those applying for scholarship funding (particularly overseas applicants) should take note of application deadlines.

This programme requires two references. Further information regarding references can be found in our How to apply section.

Application deadlines

All applicants30 July 2021

Students should normally apply to the MBPhD programme in the year prior to starting their clinical training (MBBS Year 4); for most this will be during their intercalated/ integrated BSc year (MBBS Year 3). It is also possible for current UCL students to apply during Year 4.

The research degree component commences in September.

For instructions on how to apply please see the MBPhD website.

For more information see our Applications page.


  • The programme is only available to students who are currently undertaking a primary medical qualification (MBBS, MBChB or equivalent) at a UK medical school.
  • At the point of entry, successful applicants will have: completed at least the first two years of a full five years’ primary medical qualification; achieved an upper-second or first-class honours degree (or iBSc)


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