Duke-NUS offers a combined MD-PhD track to students who wish to further their academic training. The programme combines medical education with research training to develop clinician-scientists who interface between medicine and science. All students admitted into the programme will be offered a full scholarship for the PhD component as well as scholarships to cover tuition fees for their first 2 years in the MD programme and their final year of MD training (funding amount will depend on bursaries and other scholarships already awarded to assist with MD tuition fees).

Students embark on the PhD component after completing their second year of the MD programme. Upon completion of the PhD component, students will complete the final (fourth) year of the MD programme. Interested students can either apply directly to the MD-PhD programme at the time of initial application or after matriculation into the MD programme. Every year, approximately 15-20% of the MD cohort may be offered a place in the MD-PhD track.
All applicants for the MD-PhD programme are required to sit for the MCAT. This programme does not accept GRE scores. Assuming successful fulfillment of requirements, students in the MD program will be awarded a joint Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from Duke University and the National University of Singapore. For those having completed the MD-PhD option, the PhD degree will be awarded by the National University of Singapore.