
Learning Sciences and Technologies


The program is designed to draw together course work, research apprenticeship, and other professional academic activities to build a comprehensive learning experience that is tailored to students’ interests and needs.


Coursework and research experiences in the Learning Sciences and Technologies program address a range of practice-based and theoretical problems in schools, in online learning, and in community settings. Coursework and research experiences consider learning in its full richness and context, using sociocultural, cognitive, and psychological perspectives. Taking an interdisciplinary stance, faculty and students explore how to enhance learning, motivation, and engagement, for the world’s diversity of learners, in a range of formal, informal, and online educational settings. Our graduate students study learning in traditional contexts using new technological approaches, and they study new and emerging pedagogies for learning such as constructionist environments, simulations, massive online open courses, serious games, and intelligent tutoring systems.

Because of the significance we attach to the building of knowledge from experiences as educators and educational designers, we expect most students to have, on admission to the program, either teaching/instructional experiences (in or outside of school settings), educational design/development experience, or experience as a learning analytics practitioner. Students will build a program of study that includes courses in teaching and learning, social foundations, and research methods. Students in the program participate in field-based research and collaborative projects with practitioners in schools or other educational settings, and/or work with large-scale educational data sets. Students learn not only from a rigorous program of study, but also from active participation in a community of learners including practicing and prospective teachers, and educational designers and researchers.


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北美, 美国 所在地点
奖学金型, 自费型 项目类别




电话: (215) 898-5000

