
Integrated Biology and Medicine


Duke-NUS launched its inaugural PhD programme in Integrated Biology and Medicine (IBM) in August 2010. The programme distinguishes itself from others in Singapore and abroad by emphasising training in translational bioscience, preparing cutting edge researchers to take their research findings from “bench to bedside.”

Students will complete their advanced training in one of Duke-NUS’ five Signature Research Programmes:

Cancer and Stem Cell Biology (CSCB)

The Programme in Cancer and Stem Cell Biology (CSCB) is one of five founding Signature Research Programmes of the Duke-NUS Medical School. CSCB has a broad scope of research. Our faculty engage in hypothesis-driven basic science and disease-oriented investigation, as well as active drug discovery and innovative clinical trials. We are committed to translation of key findings, and our faculty have moved basic science discoveries from bench to bedside, with clinical trials in multiple cancers driven by discoveries made by CSCB scientists.

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disorders (CVMD)

Studies the clustering of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular disease, so as to uncover the underlying mechanisms for these disorders, and make translational discoveries that can impact clinical care.

Emerging Infectious Deseases (EID)

Aims to develop and discover effective methods to treat, prevent and control new and emerging pathogens.

Health Services and Systems Research (HSSR)

Healthcare providers globally and in Singapore are focusing on population-level health outcomes, value for money and integrating services across social, primary and acute sectors. While person-centred care will always be important there is a need to demonstrate that high performing health systems are meeting the challenges of populations.

The Programme in Health Services & Systems Research (HSSR) in Duke-NUS Medical School has been a leader in the study of health systems and services for the population in Singapore and beyond. Key goals have been to show whether services are effective, appropriate, scalable and economically sustainable.

We facilitate and advance a multi-disciplinary research agenda by actively engaging the government, regional health systems and social service organizations. Our research methods include implementation science, health economics, decision science, survey/qualitative research, quantitative medicine, epidemiology, and data science.

Neuroscience and Behavioural Disorders (NBD)

The Neuroscience and Behavioural Disorders Programme at Duke-NUS is focused on understanding the structure and function of the nervous systems, and the relation of neural mechanisms in model systems to human neurological, psychiatric and ophthalmological disorders. The research interests of the faculty members range from neural development and circuit regulation to brain imaging, perception and behavior.

Collaborating with the clinical faculty at Singapore General Hospital, the National Neuroscience Institute, the Institute of Mental Health and the Singapore Eye Research Centre, the Programme has a strong footing in neurodegenerative diseases, cognitive disorders, developmental disorders and diseases of the neural retina. The ultimate aim of the work carried out by the principal investigators in the Programme is to unravel the secret behind human intelligence and to translate their discoveries into diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in brain disorders like autism, Parkinson’s disease and dementia.

The degree, which will take on average 4 to 5 years to complete, culminates with the development of a written thesis and a successful oral dissertation defense.The Ph.D. core course incorporates a novel education strategy which rapidly transitions students to a mode of learning better suited for a lifelong career in biomedical research. From the first week in the program, students are introduced to scientific literature searches, evaluation and critique of seminal scientific papers. The core curriculum is delivered in a small group collaborative learning environment that reinforces critical thinking and public debate.


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