
History and Classics


Our Department offers the degrees of MA and PhD in the separate disciplines of History, Classics, and Religious Studies, as well as an MA in Ancient Societies and Cultures with an interdisciplinary focus. Within both History and Classics we offer a number of different programs, and within all of those programs a broad range of geographical, thematic and methodological specializations. Applicants are encouraged to consult the Department’s web site for details of the particular areas of research concentration of our faculty.

In Classics, the Department offers two course-based MAs: one in Classical Languages (Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies), where some concentration is possible in classical literature or ancient history; the other in Classical Archaeology, which offers an opportunity to pursue archaeological fieldwork. The PhD in Classics is also offered in both Classical Languages, which is a broad-based program leading to a general qualification in Classics, and in Classical Archaeology.

In History, the department offers a course-based MA, a thesis-based MA, and a PhD. The department can support graduate studies on a wide range of areas and topics in History; see the department website for details.

The Department also offers a thesis-based MA in Ancient Societies and Cultures, with an emphasis on inter- and cross-disciplinary approaches.

For the graduate degrees in Religious Studies, see Graduate Programs in Religious Studies.


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