
Epidemiology and Clinical Research



The PhD program in epidemiology and clinical research will provide methodologic and interdisciplinary training that will equip students to carry out cutting-edge epidemiologic research. The program trains students in the tools of modern epidemiology, with heavy emphases on statistics, computer science, genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics. We welcome applicants with diverse backgrounds.

Advisors and Mentors

The PhD program is directed by a faculty director and overseen by a faculty committee. Upon admission, each student in the PhD program will be assigned an academic advisor from the group of core faculty in epidemiology. This person will work with the student to craft an individually-tailored curriculum that meets their unique goals and interests.  In addition, the student may have a primary research mentor outside of the department. In addition, the student may have a primary  research mentor outside of the department.

Examinations and Academic Milestone Assessment

In the course of the doctoral program, each student will carry out the following:

  • Complete the course courses and elective coursework
  • Pass the Preliminary Examination
  • Identify a dissertation project
  • Form a Doctoral Dissertation Reading Committee
  • Develop a detailed NIH-style dissertation proposal
  • Complete the Oral Qualifying Examination
  • Conduct the dissertation research project(s)
  • Write the dissertation
  • Present dissertation results in a public seminar
  • Pass the Final Examination (defense of dissertation)
  • Complete and turn in bound copy of dissertation


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电话: 650-723-2300

