
Decision, Risk, and Operations


The Decision, Risk, and Operations (DRO) division at Columbia Business School is a world leader in research in quantitative, data-driven decision-making through the use of modeling, optimization and the management of uncertainty, and all the other aspects of the operations and analytics functions in firms. Application areas in which the division has strong expertise include revenue management; logistics, distribution and supply-chain management; resource networks and service systems; healthcare operations; marketplace design; quantitative finance, modern market microstructure, and risk management; econometrics; and business analytics. See our Research page for more information about our expertise and faculty’s recent research talks.

The doctoral program in the DRO division at Columbia Business School is designed to lead a small group of outstanding students to successful research careers in academia and industry. Our students have the opportunity to work with faculty who are leaders in the field holding top editorial positions, and regularly honored with society awards and recognitions. Moreover, our weekly internal Brown Bag seminar gives students the opportunity to regularly present their research to the entire division and receive feedback. See Academics page for more information about our PhD program.


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哥伦比亚大学,是一所世界顶尖私立研究型大学,也是常春藤盟校之一 。


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