CBB is part of the Yale’s Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS). BBS is an umbrella program that incorporates a number of different areas of biological research. Students apply to the CBB track of the BBS program and are part of this track for their first year of studies. After their first year, students join the CBB interdepartmental program and work towards a degree in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. Alternatively, students may join any of the other departments associated with BBS if they find that another department better fits their interest after the first year.
CBB offers a PhD with an en-route Masters’ degree; a terminal Masters’ program is offered for post-doctoral fellows (from any Yale department) and other sponsored students. For more information about these degrees, visit the Curriculum page.
There are a variety of social and career events held throughout the year, including Research in Progress (RIP) talks, journal clubs and seminars. Check the Calendar page for upcoming events.
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