To receive a Ph.D. in Classics at Johns Hopkins University, students must successfully complete a range of seminar work and examinations and then write a substantial dissertation. This program in Classics is designed to be completed in five years, of which the first three are dedicated to seminar work and examinations, and the last two to the dissertation. Assuming satisfactory progress toward the Ph.D., all students admitted to the program receive competitive stipend support, health insurance and full tuition remission, in order to make it possible to complete the program in a timely manner. This support takes the form of a fellowship for the first two years, and teaching for at least two of the remaining years. The department may also able to offer teaching opportunities in the summer, as well as support for summer travel geared toward research or professional development. All students, upon reaching dissertation level, are encouraged to apply for outside funding. If outside funding is obtained, the Johns Hopkins fellowship may be held in reserve for an additional year. A detailed outline of the Ph.D. program, including a prospectus of all seminars and exams, can be found on the Classics Department website (http://classics.jhu.edu).
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