


The Ph.D. is a degree program comprised of three stages. At the successful completion of each stage, students will be awarded the corresponding degree. The M.A. is generally completed by the end of the second and no later than the fourth semester of coursework. The M.Phil. should be completed in the third year of study after completion of coursework, exams, and written work, and no later than the end of the fourth year of study. The Ph.D. dissertation prospectus should be defended by the beginning of the eighth semester, but not later than the end of the eighth semester. The Ph.D. is completed after a successful defense of a doctoral dissertation.


As above, but omitting M.A. Thesis (CLPH 5000), and requiring two semesters of the Graduate Research Colloquium (CLCV 5010) taken for P/F credit and a passing grade on one modern language exam. In choosing courses during the M.A. students should consult the course requirements listed below for the M.Phil.


Continuation of study beyond the M.A. degree is authorized by the Director of Graduate Studies. The M.Phil. degree is always in Classics, both Greek and Latin. Thus, coursework and examinations are related to the study of both classical languages and their works of literature (including their cultural and political backgrounds). Programs of study are individually arranged in consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies. 

General Course Requirements

Fourteen courses made up of twelve courses plus two semesters of the Graduate Research Colloquium (CLCV 5010) taken for P/F credit during the student’s first year.

These fourteen courses must include:

  • Greek and Latin 4105 and 4106 History of Greek Literature I & II, History of Latin Literature I & II) and both Greek and Latin 5139 (Greek Prose Composition, Latin Prose Composition)
  • Six further courses comprised of:
    • three or more courses at 8000 level;
    • one or more courses at 6000 level;
    • no more than two courses at 4000 level;
  • Two semesters of the Graduate Research Colloquium (CLCV 5010) during the student’s first year.

The Courses taken for the M.A. count toward a total of fourteen. (Students advancing from the M.A. to the Ph.D. do not take CLPH 5000.)

Of the fourteen courses, only the Graduate Research Colloquium may be taken P/F, and none of the remaining twelve courses may be taken for R credit. Only courses above and beyond the twelve can be taken for R credit. 

Students are expected to maintain at least a B+ average in their graded courses.


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