
Chemistry and Chemical Biology


As one of the nation’s most distinguished Chemistry departments, Cornell’s Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology (C&CB) has been home to four Nobel Prize winners, was the founding institution for the Journal of Physical Chemistry (J. Phys. Chem.), and has been consistently ranked as a Top 10 Chemistry graduate program by U.S. News & World Report.

Cornell is unique among our peer institutions because of its field structure, which provides students with the opportunity to participate in and contribute to the interdisciplinary research efforts across the university. At Cornell, all applications to the C&CB graduate program are actually made to the Field of Chemistry & Chemical Biology. As such, all students that are accepted into this Field are eligible to join research groups led by any Field Faculty, which includes all C&CB Faculty as well as a number of extra-departmental C&CB Field Faculty, such as Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Human Ecology, Materials Science & Engineering, Microbiology & Immunology, Molecular Biology & Genetics, and Nutritional Sciences. Cornell is also unique as the only Ivy League institution that is comprised of both private (endowed) and public (statutory) colleges. Our department resides in the College of Arts & Sciences, which is one of the private (endowed) colleges located on the main campus in Ithaca, NY.

Graduate students enrolled in the Field of C&CB select a major research concentration in one of the following subfields: Analytical, Bioinorganic, Bioorganic, Biophysical, Chemical Biology, Inorganic, Materials, Nuclear, Organic, Organometallic, Physical, Polymer, or Theoretical. Students each choose a special committee consisting of their research advisor and two additional Cornell faculty members to oversee their graduate studies.

Our program is committed to creating a welcoming and equitable environment for all. Our Chemists for Outreach and Graduate Inclusion program supports that commitment and provides excellent opportunities for members of the graduate community to participate in creating such an environment.


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邮箱: info@cornell.edu 电话: (607) 254-4636

