
Cellular, Molecular, Developmental Biology and Biophysics


A program of study leading to the Ph.D. degree is open to students who are candidates for, or who already have, the bachelor’s or master’s degree in the biological or physical sciences. To be admitted, the applicant should have had either a thorough training in the fundamentals of biology and both organic chemistry and general physics, or a broad training in the physical sciences and mathematics. Special attention is given to the applicant’s quality of scholarship and their promise as an investigator.

Teaching Opportunities

Since most biology Ph.D.’s will teach at some time during their careers, experience in teaching is considered an essential part of the Ph.D. program. The minimum teaching requirement is three contact hours a week for one year in the laboratory sections of undergraduate courses. Further teaching experience is gained through the preparation and presentation of reports in seminars and journal clubs. The department stresses organization of material and clarity of presentation.


The lecture rooms, teaching laboratories, and research facilities of the Biology Research Complex (consisting of Seeley G. Mudd Hall and Undergraduate Teaching Laboratories) offer a thoroughly modern research facility for molecular biology.

Financial Aid

The department has fellowship funds for the support of graduate students. Awards are granted for tuition and living expenses. Laboratory fees and research expenses are paid by the department.


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