
Astrophysical Sciences



Before standing for the general examination, students must complete four core astrophysics courses (Stellar Structure, Stellar Dynamics, Interstellar Medium, and Cosmology & Extragalactic Astronomy).  Students have the option to complete additional courses in astrophysics (such as High-Energy Astrophysics, Computational Methods, or Plasma Astrophysics), physics, mathematics, statistics, machine learning, and computation. Students may select additional courses with assistance and approval from the faculty.PRE-GENERALS REQUIREMENT(S):

Seminar Requirement
Graduate students must attend the graduate student seminar every semester, except for their last semester at Princeton. Generally, students take turns giving presentations on various aspects of a field selected by the faculty instructor. The dual purposes are to learn about a topic not covered in the required courses (such as an emerging research field) and gain experience giving presentations. Occasionally, the seminar has a different format, such as a workshop or half-semester modules on various topics.GENERAL EXAM:

At the end of the second year, students take the oral general examination. For the examination, the student chooses four topics out of the following six: dynamics of stellar and planetary systems, cosmology and extragalactic astronomy, stellar structure, high-energy astrophysics, interstellar medium, and plasma astrophysics. These topics are covered by classes offered in the department. A committee of four faculty members tests the student for approximately two hours, primarily about the four chosen subjects and other topics in astrophysics.QUALIFYING FOR THE M.A.:

The Master of Arts (M.A.) degree is normally an incidental degree on the way to full Ph.D. candidacy. It is earned after a student successfully completes two of the three following requirements: (1) successful completion of the four core courses and any additional courses mapped out by the DGS and/or the adviser; (2) successful completion of the general examination; and (3) production of at least one paper suitable for submission to a journal as part of a departmental research project. The research supervisor must approve the paper. The M.A. may also be awarded to students who, for various reasons, leave the Ph.D. program, provided that these requirements have been met.TEACHING:Students are required to serve as assistants in instruction for one semester sometime during their graduate career.  The DGS may lift this requirement for students who secure certain competitive fellowships that do not allow teaching.DISSERTATION AND FPO:

The Ph.D. is awarded after the candidate’s doctoral dissertation has been accepted, and the final public oral examination sustained.


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