Located within the Department of Economics, the world-renowned Centre for Actuarial Studies is one of the seven teaching units that are fully accredited by the Actuaries Institute with leading researchers in actuarial studies and financial mathematics. It has been designated a Centre of Actuarial Excellence (CAE) by the US Society of Actuaries (SOA).
Generous scholarships are available for high achieving applicants, including full fee waivers and a stipend of AUD$32,400 per year (2022 RTP rate).
Research conference travel funding of AUD$10,000 is available to all confirmed PhD candidates.
The Centre for Actuarial Studies holds a Joint Seminar Series on Stochastic Processes and Financial Mathematics, in collaboration with the University of Melbourne’s School of Mathematics and Statistics.
Graduate Research candidates form an integral part of the Centre and are strongly encouraged to participate in its research and teaching activities. The working environment for graduate research students is first class, with excellent library and computing facilities.
Research students are usually allocated office space close to their supervisor. View our PhD graduates placements.
For more information including a list of academic staff in the Centre, please visit the Centre for Actuarial Studies website.
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