
Doctoral student position – Research on health promotion work among young people with special needs


To be a doctoral student means to devote oneself to a research project under supervision of experienced researchers and following an individual study plan. For a doctoral degree, the equivalent of four years of full-time doctoral education is required.

The research group

The doctoral student will be part of Susanne Andermo’s research group, Health Promotion among Children and Youth at the Division of Nursing, NVS, KI, in collaboration with a research group at the Swedish School of Sports and Health Sciences. The group and collaborating researchers consist of experienced researchers with different backgrounds who conduct research on children’s and youth health, health promotion, and prevention. The research group has regular meetings and there are also monthly research seminars at the Division of Nursing, where PhD students present their work.

The doctoral student will participate in the Research School in Health Sciences (FIH) at Karolinska Institutet, which is organised by Karolinska Institutet in collaboration with Region Stockholm. The goal of the research school is to strengthen education in health and care sciences at the doctoral level and stimulate high-quality research. The focus area is intervention and implementation rese

The doctoral student project and the duties of the doctoral student

The PhD student will work in the project: “A school-based intervention to promote mental health, cognition and school performance among adolescents with special support needs”. Adolescents with special support needs, such as those with neurodevelopmental conditions, often face mental health challenges and academic difficulties. Physical activity benefits these adolescents, but many do not reach the recommended activity levels. The overall aim is to co-develop, adjust, implement, and evaluate a school-based physical activity intervention to promote mental health, cognition, and academic performance for adolescents with special support needs. The project includes the following sub-studies:

• A co- development phase.

• A Single Case experimental study.

•A cluster-randomized physical activity intervention in special support schools.

•A process evaluation, including dose, adherence, feasibility and acceptability.

As a PhD student, you will be involved in developing the intervention, collecting and analysing both qualitative and quantitative data, writing scientific articles, and present the results. Doctoral students in the Research School in Health Sciences also participate in courses and activities organized by the Research School.

What do we offer?

A creative and inspiring environment full of expertise and curiosity. Karolinska Institutet is one of the world’s leading medical universities. Our vision is to pursue the development of knowledge about life and to promote a better health for all. At Karolinska Institutet, we conduct successful medical research and hold the largest range of medical education in Sweden. As a doctoral student you are offered an individual research project, a well-educated supervisor, a vast range of elective courses and the opportunity to work in a leading research group. Karolinska Institutet collaborates with prominent universities from all around the world, which ensures opportunities for international exchanges. You will be employed on a doctoral studentship which means that you receive a contractual salary. Employees also have access to our modern gym for free and receive reimbursements for medical care.

Eligibility requirements for doctoral education

In order to participate in the selection for a doctoral position, you must meet the following general (A) and specific (B) eligibility requirements at latest by the application deadline.

It is your responsibility to certify eligibility by following the instructions on the web page Entry requirements (eligibility) for doctoral education.

A) General eligibility requirementYou meet the general eligibility requirement for doctoral/third-cycle/PhD education if you:

  1. have been awarded a second-cycle/advanced/master qualification (i.e. master degree), or
  2. have satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the advanced/second-cycle/master level, or
  3. have acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.*

Follow the instructions on the web page Entry requirements (eligibility) for doctoral education.

*If you claim equivalent knowledge, follow the instructions on the web page Assessing equivalent knowledge for general eligibility for doctoral education.

B) Specific eligibility requirement

You meet the specific eligibility requirement for doctoral/third-cycle/PhD education if you:

– Show proficiency in English equivalent to the course English B/English 6 at Swedish upper secondary school.

Follow the instructions on the web page English language requirements for doctoral education.

Verification of your documents Karolinska Institutet checks the authenticity of your documents. Karolinska Institutet reserves the right to revoke admission if supporting documents are discovered to be fraudulent. Submission of false documents is a violation of Swedish law and is considered grounds for legal action.

(A) and (B) can only be certified by the documentation requirement for doctoral education.

Skills and personal qualities

We are looking for someone with a strong interest and commitment to research on physical activity and health-promoting initiatives for young people with special support needs. Applicants should have a master’s degree in a relevant field, such as nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, public health, behavioural sciences or equivalent.

The applicant should have good communication and collaboration skills and be

able to collaborate with colleagues both within and outside academia. Previous experience in intervention and implementation research and work experience with children and adolescents in the school context is a merit. The applicant needs to have very good knowledge of Swedish and English, both orally and in writing.

Terms and conditions

The doctoral student will be employed on a doctoral studentship maximum 4 years full-time.


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截止日期 2025-03-28




电话: 08-524 800 00

