
PhD Position Socialization of Masculinities in Youth Wings of Dutch Political Parties


Politics is traditionally a man’s world. Despite much progress in recent years, most politicians are still men. What knowledge we have about gender and inequality in politics is mainly based on counting women and men. In contrast, we do not well understand the underlying gendered norms about behavior that is considered inappropriate and appropriate: political masculinities. This project’s research reveals how political masculinities change or persist among voters, elected politicians, leaders, and aspirants. The research results will bring much-needed nuance and depth to a currently polarized but ultimately simplistic debate about gendered inequality in politics. As PhD-student you will study the following research question:

  • How are masculinities socialized in political parties?

This study teases out how youth wings view present-day masculinities in society, and it examines their evaluation and their expectations of masculinities by the party leadership and the party. How do youth wings try to challenge or reproduce these masculinities within the youth wing and the party?

The primary method of data collection are focus groups. They will be complemented by participant observation and organizational ethnography. Focus groups are well-suited for studying aspirants as they offer less threatening and less hierarchical settings than individual interviews or survey research. This is particularly useful when studying sensitive issues. Based on open-ended focus group protocols, participants will, in conversation with each other, reflect on the research questions, where and why they agree, and where and why they do not. The project will aim for 40 focus group interviews with six to eight members of youth wings (men and women) that are part of political parties across the political spectrum, including progressive, conservative and populist right wing parties and newer identity-based parties. The focus group interviews, which will last approximately two hours, will be held in places that are safe and easy to reach for participants, be it online or offline.

Participant observation is complementary to focus groups and will facilitate access and trust. The PhD-candidate will be ‘hanging around’ in areas where the youth wings or their members meet (congresses, debates, activities, online forums) until the data collection phase is completed. The PhD candidate will conduct organizational ethnography to understand how masculinities are institutionalized within youth wings. The protocol for the organizational ethnography will build on insights from the (ongoing) participant observation and focus groups. Expected data that the PhD-candidate will analyze are written documents, such as statutes and protocols, and norms and values of gender equality (e.g. how young men speak about and threat women and gay members).

What are you going to do

  • You will write a thesis within the broader framework of the funded project;
  • You will contribute to collective academic publications, as appropriate;
  • You will assist with administrative responsibilities related to the project, such as preparation of data collection, the organization of workshops or other project events;
  • You will be affiliated with the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) and will participate in its organized PhD-training. Additional methodological training is possible;
  • You will take active part in seminars of the AISSR Program Group ‘Challenges to democratic representation’ and the research group ‘Politics of Diversity’ (politicsofdiversity.eu);
  • Your primary residence will be within commuting distance of the University of Amsterdam for the duration of the PhD project. The AISSR will assist with finding adequate housing and applying for visa and residence permits.

What do you have to offer

We are looking for candidates who are passionate about youth, politics and gender and with experience in qualitative social science research.

You have

  • a completed MA or Research MA in political science, political anthropology, political sociology or one of the related social sciences;
  • proven interest in politics and gender and/or masculinities;
  • excellent qualitative research skills, as demonstrated by your MA thesis or other publications/assignments;
  • excellent command of English and Dutch in word and writing;
  • the ability to work independently as well as part of an interdisciplinary international team;
  • good communication, social and organizational skills

In addition, you are an enthusiastic colleague who likes to share knowledge, embraces open (team) science, and showcases curiosity, critical thinking, and an eagerness to learn.

What else do we offer you

The position concerns temporary employment of 38 hours per week for a maximum term of four years. The initial employment is for one year and will preferably start in September 2025. Following a positive assessment and barring altered circumstances, this term will be extended by a maximum of three years, which should result in the conferral of a doctorate in four years. We will put together a curriculum which will also include the opportunity to attend training courses and both national and international events. 


访问项目链接 招生网站
欧洲, 荷兰 所在地点
带薪岗位制 项目类别
截止日期 2025-04-12




电话: +31 (0)20 525 1400

