
PhD Research Fellow in fluid mechanics/soft matter physics


About the position

A PhD Research Fellowship is available at the Department of Mathematics, Mechanics Division at the University of Oslo (UiO).

No one can be appointed for more than one PhD Research Fellowship period at the University of Oslo.

Preferable starting date before January 1st, 2025.

The fellowship period is three years.

The position is part of a large tecno-convergence project funded by the Research Council of Norway that focuses on the development of sustainable soft adhesion robots. More specifically, the project has an ambitious aim to demonstrate the feasibility and longevity of the production of vibration-based soft robots. At the core of the project lies an understanding of the mechanics of the dynamic adhesion cup, requiring the development of a fundamental understanding of the coupling between the fluid flow and the elastic deformations of the soft robot. The PhD fellowship will be involved in the development of new theories and computational predictions of the fluid-structure interaction and/or the experimental development of the robot. The project also involves local collaboration with the Norwegian Institute for Sustainability Research (NORSUS) as well as international research groups at Harvard University and McMaster University.

The PhD student will: 

  • Develop theoretical models and numerical simulation tools for the elastohydrodynamics and/or experimental realization of the vibration based adhesion cup/soft robot.
  • Directly involved with integrating experiments and computational predictions in the research team.
  • Develop independence and be self-driven to advance with their research project.
  • Work in an interdisciplinary team with expertise in mechanics, complex fluids, physics and biophysics and sustainability thinking.
  • Follow our PhD program that include an educational component.

Knowledge development in a changing world – Science and technology towards 2030.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Qualification requirements

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has a strategic ambition to be among Europe’s leading communities for research, education and innovation. Candidates for these fellowships will be selected in accordance with this, and expected to be in the upper segment of their class with respect to academic credentials.

  • Master’s degree or equivalent in mechanics, fluid mechanics, physics or applied mathematics.
  • Foreign completed degree (M.Sc.-level) corresponding to a minimum of four years in the Norwegian educational system.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
  • Earlier involvement in research projects or/and a strong background in fluid and/or solid mechanics will also be considered positively, as well as experience with programming or experiments.
  • A strong theoretical educational background in mathematics and continuum mechanics.
  • Good social and collaboration skills and ability to work independently and in an interdisciplinary scientific environment.

Candidates without a Master’s degree have until October 1st 2024 to complete the final exam.

Grade requirements:
The norm is as follows:

  • The average grade point for courses included in the Bachelor’s degree must be C or better in the Norwegian educational system
  • The average grade point for courses included in the Master’s degree must be B or better in the Norwegian educational system
  • The Master’s thesis must have the grade B or better in the Norwegian educational system
  • English requirements for applicants from outside of EU/ EEA countries and exemptions from the requirements:


The purpose of the fellowship is research training leading to the successful completion of a PhD degree. 

The fellowship requires admission to the PhD programme at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The application to the PhD programme must be submitted to the department no later than two months after taking up the position.

For more information see: 

Kunstverk av Bård Breivik

We offer

  • Salary NOK 532 200 – 575 400 per annum depending on qualifications and seniority as PhD Research Fellow (position code 1017)
  • Attractive welfare benefits and a generous pension agreement 
  • Vibrant international academic environment
  • Career development programmes
  • Oslo’s family-friendly surroundings with their rich opportunities for culture and outdoor activities

How to apply

The application must include:

  • Cover letter – statement of motivation and research interests
  • CV (summarizing education, positions and academic work – scientific publications)
  • Copies of the original Bachelor and Master’s degree diploma and transcripts of records
  • Documentation of English proficiency if applicable (please see admission criteria)
  • List of publications and academic work that the applicant wishes to be considered by the evaluation committee
  • Names and contact details of 2-3 references (name, relation to candidate, e-mail and telephone number)

The application with attachments must be delivered in our electronic recruiting system (please follow the link “Apply for this job”). Foreign applicants are advised to attach an explanation of their University’s grading system. Please note that all documents should be in English or a Scandinavian language.

Interviews with the best qualified candidates will be arranged.

Formal regulations

Please see the guidelines and regulations for appointments to Research Fellowships at the University of Oslo.

According to the Norwegian Freedom and Information Act (Offentleglova) information about the applicant may be included in the public applicant list, also in cases where the applicant has requested non-disclosure.

UiO has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results a.o.

Inclusion and diversity are a strength. The University of Oslo has a personnel policy objective of achieving a balanced gender composition. Furthermore, we want employees with diverse professional expertise, life experience and perspectives.

If there are qualified applicants with disabilities, employment gaps or immigrant background, we will invite at least one applicant from each of these categories to an interview.

Contact information

For further information about the position please contact: Professor Andreas Carlson, phone: +47 22 85 72 23, web: https://acarlson-uio.github.io, e-mail : acarlson@math.uio.no

For questions regarding Jobbnorge, please contact HR Adviser Ole Rustad,  phone: +47 22 85 13 87, e-mail: ole.rustad@mn.uio.no


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带薪岗位制 项目类别
截止日期 2024-10-02




电话: (+47) 22 85 50 50

