
Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics


Two doctoral degrees in engineering are offered within the department: the doctor of engineering science, administered by The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, and the doctor of philosophy, administered by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. The EngScD and PhD programs have identical academic requirements with regard to courses, thesis, and examinations, but differ in residence requirements and in certain administrative details.
Concentrations and specializations of study are the same as listed for the master’s degrees in civil engineering and engineering mechanics.

A student must obtain the master’s degree (MS) before enrolling as a candidate for either the PhD or EngScD degree. Application for admission as a doctoral candidate may be made while a student is enrolled as a master’s degree candidate. The minimum requirement in course work for either doctoral degree is 60 points of credit beyond the bachelor’s degree.

Coursework Requirements

Doctoral candidates must complete a minimum of 30 credits of coursework during their studies. Selection of appropriate courses inside and outside the Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics department is determined in consultation with the faculty adviser. Doctoral candidates must take at least two graduate-level mathematics courses during their first two years. In addition, students may count up to six credits of research with their faculty adviser (CIEN E9101 Civil Engineering Research) towards the 30 required credits. Doctoral candidates must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.25 during their first two years.

Residency Requirements (for PhD candidates)

Candidates for the PhD degree must complete six residence units. A master’s degree from an accredited institution may be accepted in the form of advanced standing as the equivalent of one year of residence (30 points of credit and two residence units) for either doctoral degree. An application for advanced standing must be completed with the department during the first semester of study. PhD candidates will register for a residence unit during each of their first four semesters at Columbia.


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