The Religious Studies program is an interdisciplinary program within the Department of History, Classics, and Religion and offers programs leading to the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy.
For the graduate degrees in Classics and History, see Graduate Programs in History and Classics.
For the PhD program, the minimum admission requirements are an MA in Religious Studies or the equivalent with an admission GPA of at least 3.3 on the 4- point scale from the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification and standing from a recognized institution. The admission GPA will be calculated on the last 60 units of graded coursework completed, or on the equivalent of the last two years of full-time graded coursework.
Applicants may be admissible if they have completed an MA in a field other than Religious Studies if their thesis and/or course work had Religious Studies content relevant to their proposed thesis topic and if they have earned substantial Religious Studies credits at the BA level. Applicants may be admitted as qualifying graduate students.
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