


The Department of Oncology offers programs leading to the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy. Applicants with the MSc degree, or a strong undergraduate record, may be accepted directly into the PhD program.

As of July 1, 2013, students may be admitted through one of two specializations: Medical Physics or Cancer Sciences. Programs leading to the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Cancer Sciences are open to suitable graduates in biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, genetics, physiology, immunology, medical sciences or nutrition. Programs leading to the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Physics are open to suitable graduates in physics, engineering physics, or equivalent programs. Research programs and course selection will have a clear connection and relevance to the field of Oncology.

The Department of Oncology currently has more than 123 faculty with primary appointments and approximately 62 faculty from other departments holding adjunct appointments to its seven Divisions. The Department is located at the Cross Cancer Institute, a comprehensive cancer centre affiliated with the University of Alberta; as well as at the Katz Group Centre for Pharmacy and Health Research and the Medical Isotopes and Cyclotron Facility (MICF). The Department has state-of-the-art facilities in cell imaging, flow cytometry, gene analysis systems, computational drug design, small animal imaging, human imaging and radiation therapy facilities. Faculty are involved in medical education at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and they lead major research initiatives ranging from clinical studies to basic research into the diagnosis, treatment, and molecular causation of cancer. Information on the graduate research programs can be found at www.oncology.med.ualberta.ca. Address all inquiries to the Graduate Program Administrator or to oncology.gradprogram@ualberta.ca.


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英联邦, 加拿大 所在地点
奖学金型, 自费型 项目类别




电话: 780-492-3111

