During the first year of their Ph.D., all students will complete the following courses:
- Proseminar in Basic Problems in Psychology: Cognitive Psychology (PSY 501)
- Proseminar: Social Psychology (PSY 500)
- Foundations of Statistical Methods for Psychological Science (PSY 503)
- Advanced Statistical Methods for Psychological Science (PSY 504)
Also required:
- Responsible Conduct of Research course (PSY 591A/NEU 591A), normally taken during the second year
- Each semester starting in the first year, students will enroll in either a Research Seminar in Cognitive Psychology or Design and Interpretation of Social Psychological Research (PSY 543/PSY 551)
Additional coursework:
- Students are encouraged to enroll in Current Issues in Statistical Methods and Research Practices for Psychological Science (PSY 505), which is offered regularly and offers an opportunity to stay up-to-date on new trends in statistics
In subsequent semesters it is expected that students will enroll in seminars in the psychology department and/or other departments at Princeton as they (and their advisors) see fit. Interdisciplinary courses are encouraged, and students in a joint degree program may have additional course requirementsPRE-GENERALS REQUIREMENT(S):
Colloquia and Seminars
Psychology colloquia are held at regular intervals throughout the year and are attended by faculty, research staff, and graduate students. A series of research seminars are also held throughout the year. At these seminars students in various research areas interchange ideas with one another and with the faculty.
Pre-generals Research Project
Students are required to work with a faculty member on a research project related to their area of interest. Students must prepare a written report on their pre-generals research project prior to the general examination.GENERAL EXAM:
Students can take the general examination beginning in the fourth semester of enrollment, and nearly all students complete the general exam by early September of the third year. All students are expected to have successfully completed the general examination by the end of the third year of enrollment. No student will be admitted to a fourth year without completing the general examination. All components of the examination must be passed before a graduate student can advance to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree.
A decision as to whether the student has passed the general examination is made by the student’s committee. The basic criterion for passing the examination is the faculty’s conviction that the student is prepared to begin work on the doctoral dissertation.QUALIFYING FOR THE M.A.:
The Master of Arts (M.A.) degree is normally an incidental degree on the way to full Ph.D. candidacy and is earned after successfully passing all parts of the general examination. It may also be awarded to students who, for various reasons, leave the Ph.D. program, provided that the following requirements are met: passing the proseminar, passing coursework in graduate statistics and ethics, successfully completing the pre-generals research project, and passing the general examination.TEACHING:
Teaching experience is an important and meaningful part of graduate education in the Department of Psychology, and students are encouraged to reason about their roles as teachers by engaging with pedagogy-related talks and workshops both in the department and at the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning. Ph.D. candidates in psychology do not teach during the first year, but every Ph.D. candidate is required to teach a minimum of nine hours during their graduate career, which usually corresponds to three semesters of teaching. Students may teach more over their graduate careers if they do not have a fellowship or advisor funding to cover their tuition and stipend Each semester of teaching provides support towards the student’s tuition and stipend.DISSERTATION AND FPO:
The Ph.D. is awarded after the candidate’s doctoral dissertation has been accepted and the final public oral examination sustained.
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