
Population Studies



All PIPS students are required to complete the following:

  • POP 501/SOC 531 – Survey of Population Problems
  • POP 502/SOC 532 – Research Methods in Demography
  • POP 503 – Evaluation of Demographic Research
  • An approved Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) course
  • Statistics sequence (Year 1, two full-semester courses)
  • Population courses (four full-semester courses). Students in the PIPS/JDP program take a sequence of half-semester courses on inequality and social policy to partially fulfill this requirement.


Students are required to complete one publishable empirical paper by the end of year two of their training program.  Additionally, attendance at the Tuesday afternoon Notestein Seminar Series is required during all five years of study.GENERAL EXAM:

The general examination consists of three examinations, usually taken during the course of the first two years of study, in which the student must demonstrate proficiency in basic demographic theory and methods as well as proficiency in two additional fields of concentration which could include: economic demography, family demography, fertility/fecundity, health, social epidemiology, reproductive epidemiology, historical demography, mathematical/statistical demography, migration/immigration, mortality, population and development, population and environment, population policy, poverty/child wellbeing, and urbanization, among others. In the first year, students are required to take the demography general exam that covers theory, substance and research methods. During the second year, and in no case later than October of the third year, students are required to complete the two additional field exams on topics approved by the director of graduate studies (DGS) in OPR. Students in the joint policy and population program (PIPS/JDP) take one of these exams in social inequality.QUALIFYING FOR THE M.A.:

The Master of Arts (M.A.) degree is normally an incidental degree on the way to full Ph.D. candidacy and is earned after a student successfully passes the general examination. It may also be awarded to students who, for various reasons, leave the Ph.D. program, provided that candidacy requirements (including passing the general examination) have been satisfied.TEACHING:

All graduate students are required to assist in teaching for a total of six AI (Assistant in Instruction) hours, for either undergraduate- or graduate-level courses. Courses must be approved by the DGS of Population Studies.POST-GENERALS REQUIREMENT(S):

Students are required to give a Notestein Seminar presentation based on their research during their last year in the program.DISSERTATION AND FPO:

A dissertation prospectus, which includes an oral hearing, must be completed by September 30 of year four. The oral hearing for the prospectus involves the three core members of the dissertation committee. Students who have successfully completed the required general exams, had a dissertation prospectus approved, and fulfilled all other department degree requirements, will submit a dissertation based on original research. This research is supervised by a committee of at least three faculty members, including at least one demography faculty who will serve as either chair or co-chair of the committee. Departmental acceptance of the dissertation qualifies the candidate for the final public oral (FPO) examination.

The FPO is a final examination in the student’s field of study as well as a defense of the dissertation and may be held after the review and acceptance of the reader reports and substantiation that all other requirements have been met. The FPO is largely based on the dissertation, but also can extend to other topics in population studies to confirm the candidate’s readiness for a career in demography.

There are at least three principal examiners at the FPO, all of them normally members of the Princeton faculty at the rank of assistant professor or higher. At least two of the examiners have not been principal readers of the dissertation, and either the chair or a co-chair must be a core demography faculty member.


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