



During the first year of their Ph.D., participate in the Neuroscience Core Course. The goal of this two-term core course is to provide a common foundation so that all incoming students have a shared level of competency. This core course aims to teach an overview of all topics through a mix of hands-on laboratory experience, lecture, and computational modeling.

In addition to the Neuroscience Core Course, students will take Mathematical Tools for Neuroscience in their first year. This lecture course will introduce students to the mathematical, statistical, and computational tools necessary to analyze, model, and manipulate biological data sets.

Graduate students are required to participate in the neuroscience seminar series (NEU 511) and select one additional elective course approved by the department.PRE-GENERALS REQUIREMENT(S):


All neuroscience graduate students are required to rotate in up to three laboratories during the first year and participate in research projects during each rotation.GENERAL EXAM:

In the beginning of their third year, or fifth semester of enrollment, students are required to take and pass their general exam. Students will present their thesis proposal, demonstrating the command of their chosen research topic and the existing literature surrounding it, and present a logical plan to address key questions that they have identified.QUALIFYING FOR THE M.A.:

The Master of Arts (M.A.) degree is an incidental degree on the way to full Ph.D. candidacy and is earned after a student successfully passes the general examination. It may also be awarded to students who, for various reasons, leave the Ph.D. program, provided that this requirement has been met.TEACHING:

Students are expected to teach for two semesters, usually in their second year.DISSERTATION AND FPO:

The Ph.D. is awarded after the candidate’s doctoral dissertation has been accepted and the final public oral examination sustained.


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普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)位于美国东海岸新泽西州的普林斯顿市,是美国大学协会的14个始创院校之一,也是常春藤联盟成员。


电话: 609-258-3000

