The Geography Department welcomes applications from well-qualified candidates with previous training in geography or a related discipline and normally a relevant master’s qualification. The PhD is a full-time three-year research degree (or five-year part-time), examined by a thesis.
In the first year, students attend a comprehensive training programme based around seminars and workshops dealing with the debates in geography, the practice of developing and designing research projects, and the methods and techniques required to undertake the empirical elements of research. Research in Geography embraces both natural sciences (physical geography) and the social sciences and humanities (human geography). This PhD can, in principle, be taken in any of the topics covered by the Department of Geography and may, in part, be delivered through co-operation with other departments in social sciences, humanities and physical sciences depending on each student’s individual needs. The University also offers a comprehensive range of training courses for personal and professional career development.
Applicants for this course should have achieved a UK High II.i Honours Degree.
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