The PhD is primarily designed to train students as independent researchers, so that on completion they can claim professional standing as university academic staff or in any other profession requiring skills in advanced research. Many students publish parts of their research after the award of their PhD or en route to it.
All doctoral students undertake a programme of planned research training over the course of their programme, and individual specialised supervision on an agreed topic. Topics could relate to any aspect of the theory, policy and practice of education and may be drawn from any stage between early education and tertiary and professional education, provided there is a suitable supervisor available with relevant expertise in the topic area. Students are also encouraged to play an active role in research seminars, and engage in opportunities for acquiring transferable skills.
Students wishing to continue to the PhD in Education from the MPhil in Education or the Master of Education are normally required to achieve a mark of merit for their MPhil or MEd dissertation.
Applicants for this course should have achieved a UK Masters (Merit).
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